Formcreator 2.12.4 : Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer la version 2.12.4 des corrections de bogues de Formcreator. Lisez notre article de blog et regardez la video pour obtenir plus d’informations.
Bug Fixes Formcreator 2.12.4
- ajax calls converted into post
- convert GET requests to post
- redirection to wrong ticket in some cases (
- remove compiled css
- strict JS code triggers warnings
- form: PHP warning when displaying form’s historical
- form: php warning – unitialized var
- form: run conditions for admins
- form: store itemtype in DOM
- formanswer: loss of answers upon valdiation
- issue: better definition of comment search options
- issue: better redirection
- issue: redirection when multiple tickets
- ldapfield: non latin char escaping
- linker: inverted arguments in method call
- question: empty name section unavailable
- question: show error message on deletion failure
- question: show error message on deletion failure
- question: show error toast when editing a question fails
- section: order lost after section deletion
- targetticket: do not force request type
- category: show parent label in back pseudo-item