by Alexandre Delaunay | Mar 15, 2018 | Annonce, Blog
Après plusieurs semaines de développement, Teclib’ a le plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie de GLPI version 9.2.2.
L’archive de la version 9.2.2 est disponible sur github.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste des changements les plus importants de cette version corrective :
– Correction de plusieurs problèmes liés aux images.
– Correction de bugs avec les “proxies” SSL.
– Correction des alertes sur les recherches sauvegardées.
– Ajout de scripts d’installation et de mise à jour en ligne de commande.
– Suppression des tâches de projet.
– Et bien plus !
Voir le journal des changements complet pour plus de détails.
Nous remercions toutes les personnes qui ont contribué à cette nouvelle version et plus généralement toutes celles et ceux qui soutiennent régulièrement le projet GLPI.
by Alexandre Delaunay | Feb 28, 2018 | Fonctionnalité
GLPI s’intègre parfaitement dans votre système d’information.Authentification et contrôles d’accès poussésConnectez GLPI à de multiples sources d’authentification : serveurs LDAP, servers de messagerie, etc.
Créez des règles poussées pour gérer les habilitations de vos utilisateurs
Découpez l’application en entités, pour cloisonner la vision et l’accès aux données
Mettez en place une authentification automatique (SSO) pour faciliter l’acceptation de vos utilisateursInventaireIl y a toujours un moyen de faire un inventaire de votre parc :
- Inventaire automatisé sur la plupart des OS du marché
- Gestion des machines physiques, de la virtualisation et des containers
- Découverte et inventaire réseau
- Inventaire de serveurs VMWare
- Connexion à des outils tiers d’inventaire, tels que Microsoft SCCM
Connexions aux autres logiciels de votre SIGLPI possède de nombreux connecteurs vers d’autres briques de votre SI comme par exemple Airwatch, iTop, OpenVAS, Xivo, PreludeSIEM, Centreon, et bien plus !PluginsGrâce à l’API de plugins de GLPI, vous pouvez compléter les fonctionnalités de la solution pour vos propres besoins.
by Alexandre Delaunay | Sep 25, 2017 | Announcements, Blog
The new GLPI version is here, discover its new features!
By working on GLPI instances with a lot of entities, we’ve found that browsing was very slow. We’ve optimized the application, and loading times have been divided by 10.
Our tests have been performed on a 37k+ entities database, and usage is now completely smooth.
Remember me !
GLPI now keeps and re-uses the session cookie for a while, to do this, just check the “Remember me” box on the login screen.
The cookie’s retention time on the web browser can be setup by the GLPI administrator (7 days, checked by default in the screenshot below).
Saved Searches (formerly Bookmarks)
We improved display and management of bookmarks. Renamed to “Saved Searches”, they are available in the top right of the GLPI user interface in a new panel: no more pop-up!
A new counter displays the number of results for each saved search.
This feature is automatically disabled if the bookmark loading time exceeds 200 milliseconds.
There is also a new entry in the Tools menu, which allows you to search and manage your saved searches
(or those of others according to your rights)
An automatic action computes the number of results (displayed counters on the right of the list) for each saved search
and brings a new alert engine to trigger notifications when a threshold is exceeded.
Fuzzy search menu
A new key binding is available, which allows to search and browse though menu links without using the mouse!
You can use patterns instead of an exact word to look for a menu. In the following example, it’s possible to find the menu for business rules by typing the string “burut” in the search field.
More on Wikipedia.
OLA (operational level agreements)
Services levels
have again been renamed, and there a new tab for OLA management!
By definition, an OLA is an agreement between an IT service provider and another service of the same organization.
An example is better than a definition, we suggest the following scenario:
A call-center provides its customers for a 24/7 IT service by committing to handling incidents within 2 hours and solving them within the next day: We configure this with SLA in GLPI.
To achieve this goal, it may be necessary to escalate the incident to 3 different internal teams (depending of the nature of the incident, the customer location, etc). Each team has committed to take over the escalation withing 15 minutes and sends its resolution to the call-center within 1 hour: this is an OLA.
In order to display theses OLAs, 2 new fields have been added to the ticket form:
We are aware that the ticket GUI is starting to be bloated, we are looking at some ways to lighten it.
Moreover, the ticket’s statistics tab now displays a timeline showing the main steps of the ticket life-cycle. If a date exceeds an (SlA/OLA), it will be displayed in red.
Paste images in rich text editor
The rich-text editor (available in tickets and in the knowledge base) now supports direct pasting of pictures from the clipboard as well as drag&drop.
Images pasted this way are displayed inline the text.
At insertion, the picture will be reduced (in size, not compressed) in order to preserve the GUI.
Knowledge base enhancements
Each time a modification is saved in a Knowledge base entry, a new revision is generated. A dedicated tab allows you to view the history, compare two version (diff view), and return to any previous state.
Another tab has been added allowing you to comment an article (and easing the team work on an article)
Assets links
It’s now possible to link Knowledge base articles to items :
– assets
– helpdesk (tickets, changes, problems)
– budgets / contracts / licenses / suppliers / entities
Anchor on titles
Once defined as a title (Format > Headings in the menu of rich-text editor), an anchor is displayed on mouse hover, allowing to quickly send a direct link to a specific part on an article.
Alerts on threshold
As seen below, alerts on threshold can be enabled on saved searches.
For example, GLPI can notify you when the number of your search results for “Computer in stock” is lower than 10 or when the number of “Tickets in major urgency” exceeds 10!
When exceeding a threshold, a notification (by mail, native, irc, etc) can be sent. For private search only you will be notified, and for public one several recipients can be configured.
Rework of notification modes
The former method of notifications by mail will no longer be the only way for GLPI to notify you. Native notification within the browser have been added, as well as a plugin hook to add additional modes. This opens the door for notifications by SMS, IRC, Telegram and others.
Ticket’s templates, tasks added
Ticket templates now support the addition of task templates in “predefined fields” tab. In addition to business rules for tickets your tickets can contains several pre-filled tasks just after creation.
LDAP: new synchronization field
As a login and a DN can change, we’ve introduced a new sync field in the LDAP configuration. The new field should never change, and will be used to avoid duplicate in case of login changes.
In predefined templates, we advise to use, for example:
- for Microsoft Active Directory : “objectGUID” attribute (official unique identifier of an object) ;
- for OpenLDAP: the attribute “entryUUID”
** Caution: ** Some attributes on Microsoft Active Directory are not supported (“objectSID” for example).
Get closer to your directory maintainers to find the correct synchronization attributes.
Composites tickets
We’ve introduced 2 new ways of linking tickets:
– Sons of
– Parent of
The formcreator plugin also supports this feature by allowing the creation of linked tickets for a single form answer.
In order to improve the software and it’s plugins, we’ve added an feature to collect informations of a current GLPI instance.
The data collection is a completely optional process, and data are anonymous (you can preview before accepting).
We’d like community to benefit from data collection, and have launched a new site which aggregate these data in a dashboard.
You can discover it at:
- Several plugins has be natively integrated into the core:
- Projects and their tasks can now be added from templates.
- The quick language selector is now a dropdown instead of a redirection to the user preferences.
- Rework of operating systems (new informations, now in a tab)
- GLPI now requires minimum version of 5.6 for PHP, but has also been tested with PHP 7, 7.1 and even 7.2!
- Many icons have been replaced using the Fontawesome library trying to make a more consistent UI.
Download the new version