Formcreator plugin for GLPI is a plugin which allows to create custom forms of easy access and also one or more tickets or changes when the form is filled. Today we are happy to announce the release of Formcreator plugin version 2.10.0 – RC 1.

Want to know more about how it works? Find the answer in our blog post.

Bug Fixes

  • class should not be accessed directly
  • class should not be accessed directly
  • compatibility with GLPI 9.5
  • import inconsistency and possible infinite loop
  • keep the user in the service catalog
  • remove code left for debug


  • add menu icon for GLPI 9.5
  • backport of PR 1681 for 2.10
  • compatibiliy with GLPI 9.5
  • condition: condition on visibility of a question
  • form: version check of file on import
  • form,question: mandatory check in browser
  • issue: group validator in issue
  • section: make section title required
  • targetticket,targetchange: backport of conditions
  • wizard: always show saved searches menu item

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