Our News
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Changes in our GLPI Network Cloud Offers!
Important announcement for the GLPI community regarding our GLPI Network Cloud offerings! We have decided to streamline our GLPI Network Cloud offers! ⚠️ GLPI Network Public Cloud remains unchanged (starting from 1 user, €19/user/month). ⚠️ Private Basic Cloud is now...
New version of your GLPI FAQ
Welcome to your new FAQ! With this new version, we wanted to make your experience easier and optimise your searches. On your home page, you'll find tiles for the most popular topics. One click will take you to the item of your choice. You can also view all the...
New Silver Partner in Romania: European Business Machines SRL
Congratulations ! We are happy to announce our new Silver GLPI Network partner in Romania: European Business Machines SRL The services offered by EBM SRL: Hardware and software implementationCommunication solutionsNetwork design and implementationLicensing...
GLPI Release 10.0.12
A new GLPI version is available. This release fixes a few security issues that have been recently discovered. Update is recommended! You can download the GLPI 10.0.12 archive on GitHub. You will find below the list of security issues fixed in this...
New Silver Partner in France: PBS Co.
We are delighted to announce our new Silver GLPI Network partner in France: PBS Co. PBS Co is a company specialized in: Supply and installation of user, network and security hardware. Maintenance and supervision of computer systems. Network architecture and...
Remote Inventory on GLPI Inventory
Collecting inventory data from servers, network devices, and workstations across your company is a challenging task. Initially, this process requires installing agents on every computer. However, there are common obstacles. Perhaps internal policies prevent agents...
Webinar by our partner Gold Omnicom – “Service request management supported by GLPI”
We invite you to join this free webinar presented by our Gold partner in Slovakia - OMNICOM, the subject will be "Service request management supported by GLPI" On February 1, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. presented by Miroslav Hlohovsky CEO, Head of Digital at...
How to provision and authenticate GLPI users with Azure AD using SCIM and Oauth SSO
In the fast-paced world of technology, managing user identities across multiple platforms can be a daunting task. Imagine a typical day at work, where you’re juggling access to a myriad of systems – from email and intranet to various tools like GLPI, ERP, and CRM....
New Platinum Partner in France: INFOTEL
We would like to share with you that our partner INFOTEL in France is now a PLATINUM partner! GLPI Expert Company since 2006, Infotel has a savoir-faire on all phases of a project.We provide IT system audits, consulting and expertise, setup and integration of...
Elevate Your GLPI Experience with the Branding Plugin: A complete guide on how to change GLPI Logos
https://services.glpi-network.com/documentation/1565/file/README.md If you’ve ever wanted to give your GLPI instance a unique touch by incorporating your logo and customizing the login page, you’re in for a treat. In this blog post and accompanying video tutorial,...
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GLPI Delivers an All-In-One Service Solution to Streamline HelpDesk and IT Assets Management.
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