New Silver partner in the USA: CTL Information Technology

Congratulations! We are happy to announce our new Silver GLPI Network partner in the USA: CTL Information Technology.

CTL Information Technology is an ally in the digital transformation of its clients, offering them support, security, and management solutions. The pillars of the company are its infrastructure, human resources, and well-developed processes.


We are excited that GLPI ITSM solution is becoming more and more represented all over the world and GLPI Network (our support offer for on-premises – get your IT Infrastructure secured) subscription service will be available for more customers through our new partners.

Our large partnership network is always open for new collaborations. If you are interested in representing one of our products in your country, get in touch with us:

Being a partner means:

  • Having an a direct access to the Teclib´s tech expertise;
  • Get special discounts;
  • Access official support,
  • Many other tools which will help you to gain more customers and increase reputation on the market by adding open source ITSM to your portfolio.

Discover all benefits of being a partner here:

Stay connected! Follow us on our social media platforms!

New silver partner in France: All Business

Congratulations! We are happy to announce our new Silver GLPI Network partner in France: All Business.

All Business aims to analyze and improve the information systems. They offer tailor-made solutions to optimize IT infrastructures, improve operational efficiency and reduce costs. Whether you want to modernize your existing systems or integrate new technologies, their team of experts can guide you every step of the way. They are committed to understand your specific needs and by providing solutions aligned with your business objectives.

Their IT consulting services are designed to provide customized solutions that specifically meet your business needs. By working with them, you benefit from their in-depth expertise and commitment to optimize your information systems for maximum performance.


  • Tailor-made solutions;
  • Cost reduction;
  • Improved efficiency.


We are excited that GLPI ITSM solution is becoming more and more represented all over the world and GLPI Network (our support offer for on-premises – get your IT Infrastructure secured) subscription service will be available for more customers through our new partners.

Our large partnership network is always open for new collaborations. If you are interested in representing one of our products in your country, get in touch with us:

Being a partner means:

  • Having an a direct access to the Teclib´s tech expertise;
  • Get special discounts;
  • Access official support,
  • Many other tools which will help you to gain more customers and increase reputation on the market by adding open source ITSM to your portfolio.

Discover all benefits of being a partner here:

Stay connected! Follow us on our social media platforms!

Teclib’ Day 2024 Company Event — We celebrated 15 years of Teclib’!

Every year, we get together from different parts of the world, to celebrate our famous Teclib’ Day, a friendly and professional event where we talk about Teclib’s progress and future plans and, of course, spend a good time together. This year’s event was on Thursday, June 13, at Tronchay Farm in Courville-sur-Eure which is also the Ferme du Tronchay Gallet, where the famous Schorle du Beauperché is produced. We also celebrated Teclib’s 15th anniversary! 🎉 🥳

The event started with a warm welcome for employees with coffee and croissants, and some casual conversation.

We then had professional presentations to talk about our expectations, developments, and our goals for the end of 2024 and 2025.

We started with Loïc Lefur, Sales director, who introduced his team of Channel Managers:

Samra Mola: Channel Manager based in Italy.

Virginie Nivard: Channel Manager based in Ireland.

Anna Kostrzewska: Channel manager based in Poland.-

Christian Casalegno: Channel Manager based in Spain.

Next, Daniela Buxó, Marketing Manager at Teclib’, shared statistics about the business in terms of marketing and goals for this year and next year.

After that, was the technical team’s time. Alexandre Delaunay and the product team, spoke about news and developments in GLPI and future releases such as GLPI Carbon, GLPI v11, and much more that we will share with you soon.

Chloé Robin, Buy The Way’s director, along with Alexandre Fageon, the Consulting Director, presented their new website, which you can find here: and also discussed their clients, developments, and objectives.

To conclude the presentations, our CEO, Pascal Aubry, spoke about financial figures, objectives, recruitment, and more. He also thanked each of us for our work over the years and set the tone for enjoying this exciting day!

Last but not least, our Teclib’ Edition’s director, François LEGASTELOIS, wanted to highlight the full participation of his team, including R&D, Product, Cloud, Administration, Marketing, Support, Professional Services, Sales, and Legal. He also extended his sincere thanks to our CEO, Pascal.

Teclib’ is always looking for new talents! Do you like the world of IT and Open Source? Or are you a fan of GLPI and want to contribute to the development of our service every day? Apply here:

After the presentations, we made a group activity: a treasure hunt with maps and a final goal: plant a tree. We could choose from cherry, apple, pear, almond, and many other trees! It was a very memorable and nice activity to share with all the teclibers.

Finally, we enjoyed aperitifs, music, and discussions with colleagues. And of course, Happy Birthday, Teclib’!

Thank you all for participating in this Teclib’ Day. We are very happy to move forward and meet the new people who have joined Teclib’ over the years. See you again at the next Teclib’ Day!

Stay connected ! Follow us on social networks so you don’t miss any news!

New silver partner in Spain: Técnicas Competitivas S.A.

Congratulations! We are happy to announce our new Silver GLPI Network partner in Spain: Técnicas Competitivas S.A.

Técnicas Competitivas S.A. is a Spanish company based in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Canary Islands. It specializes in the provision of services and product development in the field of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT), with several sectors such as private companies, public administrations, health, port sector and telecommunications. Técnicas Competitivas S.A. offers a wide range of services, including consulting, software development, infrastructure or training.


We are excited that GLPI ITSM solution is becoming more and more represented all over the world and GLPI Network (our support offer for on-premises – get your IT Infrastructure secured) subscription service will be available for more customers through our new partners.

Our large partnership network is always open for new collaborations. If you are interested in representing one of our products in your country, get in touch with us:

Being a partner means:

  • Having an a direct access to the Teclib’s tech expertise;
  • Get special discounts;
  • Access official support,
  • Many other tools which will help you to gain more customers and increase reputation on the market by adding open source ITSM to your portfolio.

Discover all benefits of being a partner here:

Stay connected! Follow us on our social media platforms!

GLPI 10.0.9

Following the last releases of 10.0.8, a few annoying issues has been detected:

  • Update script uses a SQL function incompatible with MySQL 5.7 (#15141)
  • Private follow-ups and tasks are invisible to users with appropriate rights (#15128)

In the same time, a moderate security advisory has been reported (SQL injection in dashboard administration – CVE-2023-37278) and fixed in this release.

We released a new version to address these bugs, you can download the GLPI 10.0.9 archive on GitHub.

Autenticación Oauth para mail receivers

Hace un tiempo, Microsoft y Google anunciaron que cerrarían las conexiones básicas para los buzones de correo IMAP en sus servicios Office 365 y Google suite:

La crisis actual ha hecho que pospongan los plazos de rescisión hasta 2021, pero a partir de octubre de 2020, en particular para Azure / Office, las nuevas cuentas tendrán la autenticación “básica” desactivada por defecto (será posible volver a habilitarla hasta el año que viene).

Para superar esta próxima eol, desarrollamos un mini plugin disponible para la comunidad GLPI, que permite crear una conexión oauth a sus servicios.

Le permite declarar un cliente oauth de una lista de proveedores y luego usar este cliente en sus recolectores de correo:

mail receiver with oauth client

Ahora puede descargar este plugin a través del mercado integrado de GLPI 9.5 o desde el catálogo de complementos.

Si desea obtener soporte oficial y desea proteger su instancia GLPI, no dude en contactarnos mediante este formulario o comprar en línea aquí Servicios .