by Polina Marishicheva | May 5, 2020 | Blog, En bref
Après plusieurs semaines de développement, Teclib’ a le plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie de GLPI version 9.4.6.
L’archive de GLPI version 9.4.6 est disponible sur GitHub.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste des changements les plus importants de cette version corrective :
- (sécurité) Correction d’une faille d’injection SQL à l’affectation d’un technicien,
- (sécurité) Possibilité de changer la clé utilisée pour stocker les mots de passe,
- (security) Amélioration des tokens CSRF,
- (security) Correction de plusieurs failles XSS possibles,
- (security) Correction de quelques injections SQL,
- Correction du cache SCSS,
- Correction de la prise en charge des images intégrées à la mise à jour d’un élément,
- Correction de la compatibilité PHP 7.4,
- Connexion à la base de données en utilisant un socket,
- et plus encore !
Voir le journal des changements complet pour plus de détails.
Nous remercions toutes les personnes qui ont contribué à cette nouvelle version et plus généralement toutes celles et ceux qui soutiennent régulièrement le projet GLPI.
Pour rappel, nous avons lancé le site web des Services Professionnels : GLPI Network pour vos besoins de support ou de services auprès de nos partenaires.
by Polina Marishicheva | May 5, 2020 | Blog, News
After several weeks, Teclib’ is happy to announce the release of GLPI 9.4.6.
You can download the GLPI 9.4.6 archive on GitHub.
You’ll find below the changes of this bugfixes version:
- (security) Prevent execution of SQL injection while assigning a technician,
- (security) Permit to change key used to store passwords,
- (security) Improve CSRF token,
- (security) Fix several possible XSS,
- (security) Fix a few possible SQL injections,
- Fix SCSS caching issues,
- Fix inline images handling on item update,
- Fix PHP 7.4 compatibility,
- Connect to database using socket,
- and more!
The full changelog is available for more details.
We would like to thank all people who contributed to this new version and all those who contributes regularly to the GLPI project.
Reminder: we launched services website for GLPI Network.
If you need professional support or services from our partners, check
Kind regards.
by Polina Marishicheva | Apr 21, 2020 | Blog, News
We focus on the Management of Technology Services, as well as the optimization of their delivery, operation and costs, providing tangible results that allow the IT area to be gradually seen as a Strategic Asset.
We consolidate an agile offer that provides short-term results, delivering valuable information for timely decision-making, in addition to simplifying and improving the IT operation, exploiting different tools in models: On-premise, Cloud and Hybrids.
We are proud that GLPI ITSM solution is becoming more and more represented all over the world and GLPI Network (our new tool – your control tower for all your IT Infrastructure) subscription service will be available for more customers through our new partners.
Our large partnership network is always open for new collaborations. If you are interested in representing one of our products in your country, get in touch with us: click here.
Being a partner means having an a direct access to the Teclib´s technical database, new releases, official support and many other tools which will help you to gain more customers and increase reputation on the market. Find out all benefits of being a partner sending us an email: click here.
Check the list of our partners:
by Polina Marishicheva | Mar 17, 2020 | Blog, News
Founded in 2002, Securnet is a well-recognized Portuguese technology company. It provides specialized solutions for infrastructures projects, within computing, storage, networking and cybersecurity areas. Securnet is also a support and integration services provider with a motivated and customer oriented team, recognized for their great support and managed services. It´s customer focus and high quality services has been rewarded with long term relationships and confidence of more than two hundred of private companies and public organizations.
We are proud that GLPI ITSM solution is becoming more and more represented all over the world and GLPI Network (our new tool – your control tower for all your IT Infrastructure) subscription service will be available for more customers through our new partners.
Our large partnership network is always open for new collaborations. If you are interested in representing one of our products in your country, get in touch with us: click here.
Being a partner means having an a direct access to the Teclib´s technical database, new releases, official support and many other tools which will help you to gain more customers and increase reputation on the market. Find out all benefits of being a partner sending us an email: click here.
Check the list of our partners:
by Polina Marishicheva | Feb 5, 2020 | Blog, En bref
Nous avons publié la version 2.10.0 – beta 1.0 de Formcreator. Si vous souhaitez découvrir et tester ce plugin Formcreator, vous pouvez consulter notre article:
Formcreator est également disponible sur notre plateforme GLPI Network Cloud. Vos clients peuvent tester notre plateforme 45 jours gratuitement:
Caractéristiques de la version 2.10.0 – beta 1.0:
Ajout d’une condition sur le bouton de validation. Cette fonctionnalité vous permet de configurer les règles des champs de réponses du formulaire afin de contrôler la visibilité du bouton de validation finale «envoi». Cette fonctionnalité empêchera la soumission d’un formulaire incomplet.
*glpiselectfield* accès à l’objet GLPI “appliance” dans un formulaire quand le plugin Appliance est actif.
* targetticket* définir le type de question. Actuellement, les billets peuvent avoir 2 types: demande ou incident. Cette version permet de définir ce type directement depuis Formcreator. Avant cette version, les utilisateurs devaient utiliser un modèle de ticket et associer le modèle au ticket cible.
*targetticket,targetchange:* assigne un groupe depuis le groupe technicien d’un object. Le ticket cible peut être affecté à un groupe (demandeur, observateur ou assigné) à partir d’un actif associé à un groupe de techniciens.
*targetticket,targetchange* assigne un groupe à partir d’un objet. Le ticket cible peut être affecté à un groupe (demandeur, observateur ou assigné) à partir d’un actif associé à un groupe.
Téléchargez la beta pour TEST en suivant ce lien:
Vous pouvez consulter la liste complète des corrections de bugs ici:
by Polina Marishicheva | Feb 5, 2020 | Blog, News
At Teclib´ we have just released Formcreator version 2.10.0 – beta 1.0. If you wish to discover Formcreator plugin, please, read our blog post:
Formcreator is also available on our GLPI Network Cloud platform. Your customers can test this platform 45 days for free:
Features of version 2.10.0 – beta 1.0:
*form:* condition for “submit” button. This feature allows you to set up the rules for form´s answers fields to control the visibility of “submit” button. This feature can help to prevent the submission of incorrectly filled form.
*targetticket:* set type for question. Currently tickets can have 2 types: request or incident. This release allows to set this type directly from Formcreator. Before this release users had to use a ticket template and associate the template to the target ticket.
*glpiselectfield:* access to appliances of “appliances” plugin. The GLPI selects field shows the items for a given type ob objects from GLPI. It now supports the Appliance objects provided by the plugin Appliance.
*targetticket,targetchange:* assign a group from an object. The target ticket can be assigned to group (requester, observer or assign) from an asset associated to a technician group.
*targetticket,targetchange:* assign a group from an object. The target ticket can be assigned to group (requester, observer or assign) from an asset associated to a group.
Download the release for TESTS and feedback:
Please, consult the complete list of bugfixes here: