Provide support to companies or branch offices worldwide can be a big challenge if you need to comply with everyone to keep on just one language.

I used to be a language teacher and, myself, am not an English native speaker. It can be hard to express some ideas, feelings and describe issues or requirements when you’re not using your own language.

Translation tools happen to be some kind of best friends when you need support from companies around the world. Or even when you support companies or offices that keep sending you tickets in other languages that you can’t understand.

Communication is more than just convey a message. It’s about really understanding what you want to be perceived by your pairs.

With our new plugin called “Translate”, part of the job of copying and pasting texts to add tasks and follow-ups is gone.

With Translate you can add the ability to translate ticket timeline items like tasks and follow-ups.

GLPI is a multi-language ITSM tool, which means that you can provide system translation on menus, modules, notifications, categories taking into account the language that each user selects on their personal settings. The only missing piece of information that would not be translated were the written items. The ones that people provide to the system.


The plugin is available to all GLPI Network Basic Subscription and GLPI Network Cloud clients, and it is integrated with the Translation API from DeepL, a leading neural machine translation service that uses artificial intelligence to provide high-quality language translation.

Which means you will also have a DeepL account and registration on its Translation API — which has many plans, including a free tier.

How to set it up

  • Install and enable the plugin on the GLPI Marketplace
  • Copy your DeepL Pro API
  • On GLPI, Navigate through General > Translate (tab)
  • Paste your DeepL Pro API
  • Enable the languages you want GLPI to be able to translate
  • Enable the “Translatable elements allowed for all users”
  • Add the permissions for Profiles allowed to translate the GLPI timeline items
    • Each Profile must have authorization to be able to translate
  • Use the button on top right of each item to toggle the translation on and off

Video content

00:00 – Multilingual support is hard

01:07 – Plugin Translate

01:48 – How to configure the plugin Translate

02:58 – Plugin Translate Demonstration

04:40 – Plugin Translate permissions