We are happy to announce that, on June 29th, GLPI won at the ceremony “Best project awards” organised by OW2 the prize in the category “Market”.

We are proud to share the honour with our users, customers, partners and everyone who supported and contributed to GLPI all these years! 

CEO Pascal Aubry received the prize and on behalf of Teclib’ expressed the gratitude towards our amazing international GLPI community. 

Yesterday, on June 30th, Teclib’ team (Polina Marishicheva and Loïc Le Fur) had the opportunity to present GLPI Network Cloud during the conference. 

GLPI Network Cloud was launched in 2019, and nowadays, we have it deployed all over the world. The main goal was to decrease the implementation phase and give a simple solution to the companies without enough IT resources but in need of service management software. Today GLPI Network Cloud (as well as GLPI on-premise) is available in 47 languages (thanks to the contributions on Transifex) and used in 186 countries

Thank you very much to OW2 that invited us to be part of the 15th anniversary and the conference in order to keep the opportunity to meet physically this year at this warm event in Paris.

Pascal Aubry at OW2 15 Year Anniversary event receiving the award for GLPI in “Market” category: “We will continue to develop  open source software”