
Hatomi – Mateusz Kalisiak

Sokół IT – Krzysztof Sokół, Krystian Pocheć

SpearDevs – Bartosz Guździoł, Ireneusz Rytlewski

Sławomir Szmulik

OMEGA IT – Adrian Czuchaj, Michał Kulesza


Welcome everyone to our first GLPI RoundTable. This is the first such event in Poland, during which we will discuss GLPI from the point of view of the partner, editor, as well as the end customer.

In today’s meeting, we will basically touch on the three most important topics:

The first is why do users love GLPI? What convinces them to choose this system? Then we will talk about the power of open source and how it affects GLPI, and then we will move on to what are the most important functionalities of the system itself. My name is Anna Kostrzewska and I am a Channel Manager at Teclib. I work directly with partner companies and that is why I will be conducting today’s meeting.

As for the participants of today’s meeting, Mr. Mateusz Kalisiak from the Hatomi company is with us. He is the head of the team responsible for the design, implementation and development of the OSS/BSS platform and ITSM systems. Hatomi has been operating on the IT and Telecom market in Poland and abroad since 2011 and the main focus is SoftwareHouse, DevOps and GLPI. 

Then I warmly welcome Sokół IT and there is Mr. Krzysztof Sokół, CEO, and Krystian Pocheć, an IT specialist. They also specialize in web development, GLPI of course, and retail system implementation, and are very active in the GLPI community.

Then, welcome to the SpearDevs company, represented by Bartosz Guździoł CEO and Ireneusz Rytlewski CTO. They also specialize in GLPI and e-commerce solutions and web application development. On behalf of the host, I would like to warmly welcome Mr. Sławomir Kulik, who is the head of the IT Department at the Specialist Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Gułochazy and privately a lover of GLPI and Open Source, and welcome the Omega IT company, represented by Adrian Czuchaj, who is an IT helpdesk specialist, and Michał Kulesza, who is responsible for sales and customer contact. Omega specializes in server administration, helpdesk and networking, and of course GLPI. Of course, more information about our event participants can be found on our website in the Partners tab.

Partners provide support in the field of GLPI On Premise and Cloud, development and the broad range and use of our system.

As the first part of the participants’ presentation is already behind me, I wanted to move on to the first topic, which is the question: What distinguishes GLPI from other systems? And why do customers love this system? Of course, many of them have many functionalities, such as asset management, problem management, project management, documentation management. It also enables comprehensive management of the organization’s resources. 

However, the question arises what distinguishes GLPI? And why do customers love it? I would appreciate your opinion on this.

Maybe Mr Krzysztof Sokół?

What can I say…. Customers like GLPI because it is actually very versatile. It allows you to obtain many functionalities in one place, which in fact are either unavailable in other systems or require the implementation and activation of additional elements that undermine the entire project.

In fact, in the GLPI system we have all or a large part of the functionality that is needed to properly manage IT resources already available in the package. In addition, the possibilities it gives are that it can all be expanded. That is, the system is flexible enough that all the possibilities that a given client or person wanting to use the system wants to implement are possible to run.

It is known that open source gives this very nice possibility. The system is available as far as the source code is concerned, i.e. anyone who may have the opportunity to analyze this code can also supplement its functionality with such elements that are needed at a given moment or possibly commission such an extension.

It is very interesting what you said, and in fact, such a thought arises, because it follows that GLPI is able to improve the overall productivity and efficiency of the entire functioning of the company. Do you agree with this opinion? What experience do you have here?

We have such experience that simply the system, if it is well implemented and launched, then allows the managing person to have direct and relatively quick access to all necessary information on, for example, the state of computer equipment that is running or used in a given company. In addition, you can make a list of information about service failures that were performed at some time on a given equipment.

This type of information without a system like GLPI is actually extremely difficult to obtain. However, here we have everything ready and available very easily and quickly, so in this respect such ease in obtaining the information needed to properly manage the equipment resources. The system is simply amazing.

I am also curious to meet the other side of the user, Mr. Sławek. Do you also share the opinion of Mr. Krzysztof?

As much as possible only from the user’s side, giving context to people who will watch it. I work at the local government units, for which GLPI is, first of all, an inventory of hardware and software, i.e. the fulfillment of the provisions of the National Interoperability Framework series, which impose the obligation to conduct such an inventory.

And GLPI, first of all, wins because it is free, so you can implement it yourself. And what, in my opinion, distinguishes GLPI most from other tools is that it is not a tool only for IT departments.

It has been recognized that inventory management of hardware and software primarily falls under the responsibility of administration, focusing on fixed assets, equipment, and low-value assets. However, thanks to GLPI, this extends to encompass all records that the administration holds for each equipment type. As Mr. Krzysztof pointed out, GLPI allows the inclusion of not only IT equipment but any equipment that serves a specific purpose.

In the case of a hospital, this includes a comprehensive record of medical equipment. An authorized person can access this information based on their position, room, or department, enabling them to view all the equipment they have at their disposal, including values, supplier details, contracts, and other relevant elements. Previously, this would have required the use of multiple tools, but now, with GLPI, all the necessary management information is consolidated in one place.

In many instances, particularly in public administration units, there is a misconception that software for recording purposes is solely intended for IT departments. However, this assumption is incorrect. The more departments we integrate into this system, the smoother and more efficient it becomes to manage the entire hardware resource, encompassing not just computers, but all other equipment as well.

Thank you for your comment. We have observed market trends in Poland that show that this system is not limited to a single type of customer. It caters to customers from various industries with different needs. Do you also interact with clients from different industries with diverse requirements? It is safe to say that this system is suitable for almost every industry.

That’s right. If there are any functionalities that the system does not currently have, there is certainly an option to add them to meet specific needs.

As partners, you have access to our technical department, which can develop or address any specific requirements. Open source has been highlighted as a major advantage of GLPI. It means that GLPI is both free and open for modification. This allows organizations to adapt it according to their individual needs.

What do you think about the impact of the Open Source community on GLPI?

If no one has shared their thoughts yet, I’ll start the discussion. In fact, I’d like to expand on this topic a bit. GLPI utilizes open source technology, which has a long-standing history and proven value. We specifically chose to incorporate open source solutions into GLPI. Considering the frequency with which we use open source solutions, we highly recommend our clients to consider GLPI as an open source option, particularly for security-related matters.

Absolutely. We greatly appreciate the availability of the source code. In today’s context, as we discuss cryptocurrencies, it’s essential to have many individuals reviewing the code, testing it, and attempting to identify any potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses that could impact users. Having a large community involved helps to ensure a more secure and reliable system.

The involvement of individuals, who often engage in software development as a hobby or out of their belief in a particular software, is what contributes to its progress. Teclib alone would not be able to conduct extensive testing, research, and attempts to break the solution as efficiently as the collective efforts of the entire community. This collective collaboration leads to faster development, increased security, and the prompt detection of errors and issues in the IT realm.

It’s important to acknowledge that no tool or software is perfect. They all have their share of bugs and problems. The key is to identify and address them as quickly as possible.

In my personal opinion, this is where the value of open source truly shines. However, I also welcome others to share their thoughts and challenge my perspective.

Now, I would like to hear your story and understand how you came to this conclusion. I won’t undermine your opinion because I agree with it. Different theories exist within the industry, with some arguing that open source is more secure and others claiming the opposite. Personally, I lean towards your view that having a community that checks, corrects, and tests contributes to increased security.

However, I wanted to draw attention to other topics, that is, open source is free. This may be a bit of a controversial statement. However, access to the code is actually free. This is usually a huge advantage, but also a disadvantage. The point of view depends on the point of sitting. Because now yes, maintainability – depends on the community. If the community is large, there is no problem with maintainability. Many, many people use the solution and actually need some functionality, development, etc. for their needs. He often shares this with others. However, with a small community, there can be problems.

Fortunately, in my opinion, the GLPI solved it in a very simple way. I mean, there is Cloud support and as if GLPI is also developing a Cloud version as part of its internal team, thanks to which open source simply uses it. And in my opinion, this is such a sensible approach to open source. So, in fact, there is this commercial aspect at the back, which allows you to organize at least updates of this software somewhere.

And what I wanted to mention is that it is definitely open source, which leads to a large possibility of customizing the solution to your own needs. I mean, we have a solution that suits us to some extent, but we can’t really transform it even within our development team to meet our expectations, which is usually not an option with proprietary, licensed software.

And that’s all I want to add here from myself in this context. Thank you very much for the comment and Bartek the same. It was very enriching and I am curious about the perspectives of other participants, because Bartek and Irek’s answer was really exhaustive, but maybe someone would like to add something, comment, because of course everyone here works in GLPI, etc. However, the perspectives may be different. I am very curious what you think about this.

I agree with the earlier statements made by my colleagues at SpearDevs. I want to highlight another aspect of open source software, particularly in the case of GLPI. It has a significant community presence, not just in Poland but also internationally. This dynamic development, driven by a large user base, sets open source software apart from commercial solutions, especially when it comes to incorporating additional features that are in high demand.

Although the initial stages of development may sometimes be challenging, once the software gains traction, it progresses rapidly. Open source software tends to evolve quickly and efficiently. On the other hand, commercial solutions often face limitations in terms of flexibility and speed.

I believe we can all agree that the combination of open source and GLPI has greatly benefited the functionality and security of the entire community. As an open source system, GLPI offers numerous features that are highly valuable to many organizations.

Furthermore, GLPI has undergone significant changes with the release of version 10. I am curious to hear your thoughts on GLPI 10 and how you perceive its advancements.

What functionality do you think is the most important and important from a business point of view?

Since we’re discussing this topic, I’d like to share my thoughts as well. Through conversations with various individuals, I’ve noticed that potential users of GLPI are attracted to its high value, particularly its user-friendly interface and construction. The new look of GLPI 10 is highly praised, as it enhances readability. Clients often emphasize the importance of transparent client information, which GLPI provides excellently.

The ease of working with GLPI is another standout feature. The clear visibility of tiles allows users, like Mr. Krzysztof mentioned, to manage equipment inventories effortlessly. Our helpdesk team can easily oversee equipment, identify defects, and manage software-related tasks. We’ll discuss this further with Ania.

When a client tries the Cloud 45-day trial version of GLPI and realizes they need a user-friendly, efficient, and fast solution, the decision to choose GLPI becomes evident. They can choose between the open source product or the On Premise option with Teclib’s additional support. Alternatively, the Cloud version is an excellent choice for clients with smaller teams, such as a single employee managing their company’s helpdesk. This flexibility is a significant advantage.

That’s all from me for now.

Maybe Krzysztof?

In summary, I’m particularly impressed with the transition from version nine to ten, especially the introduction of the Native Inventory agent. We initially used our own mobile application for ticket and resource tracking, but it wasn’t efficient. Switching to GLPI and OCS improved the situation, although there were challenges with the previous asset tracking virtual machine.

The installation process and intuitiveness were not the best, and there were many bugs. However, the new Inventory Agent performs much better, especially with legacy hardware and software. The installation has improved, and I’ve noticed a useful feature of automatically reading the ID of remote software. This is especially beneficial when working with a large number of resources, as it eliminates the need to manually enter each resource and ensures technicians have remote access.

Overall, the transition to GLPI 10 has brought significant improvements and enhanced functionality.

In most cases, when a resource is added to GLPI, technicians will have remote access to it. This feature is quite impressive. Regarding version 10, that’s all I wanted to mention about its benefits. Krzysztof, do you share the same opinion?

Absolutely, I agree. The native inventory system in GLPI is impressive. It provides a comprehensive view of equipment and allows us to track its history, including installations and changes over time. This feature was available in previous versions as well. It’s beneficial to have a complete history of a resource’s journey.

In my experience with Omega, we initially used version 9.5, which wasn’t as visually appealing. However, the tenth version is much more user-friendly, with a more intuitive and colorful interface that is easier for both end users and our team to navigate.

We primarily utilize the ticket system module and the inventory feature. As my colleagues mentioned, using the agent and clients allows us to consolidate all resources into one system. Previously, we had separate units for different clients, with specific assignments for computers, software, and network devices. Now, everything is streamlined and accessible from a single place. It has greatly improved our efficiency and the management of our inventory.

Do you share similar experiences and thoughts?

So for now we have here one big opinion that Native Inventory is the most appreciated GLPI functionality. Mr Sławek, do you also think so?

I want to share a story about version 10. It goes back to when GLPI introduced a new feature: the dashboard with nice graphs. I believe it was in version 9.5. During that time, a company responsible for maintaining our equipment records software paid us a visit. They were familiar with the software used by a large Polish company. We wanted to discuss contract-related matters, so I performed a search in the main GLPI search engine. To my surprise, I had all the contract information in one place, including details on who the contracts were with, their start dates, and whether they were still active.

The person from the other company looked at me with surprise and asked, “Is this the same software we use every day?” I confirmed it was, but they thought their software was exclusively for accounting, not for other purposes. It was a pleasant surprise for them to discover that GLPI is open source. I tried to convince them to consider using GLPI, at least for the ticket system, but they were obligated to implement a different solution.

Many companies tend to stick to their existing software solutions without considering the need for interface updates or user feedback. However, GLPI’s active community continuously develops the software, transforming what used to be plugins into standard features. This professional and polished appearance surprises many, as they don’t expect such a comprehensive and user-friendly solution that can be downloaded and run independently.

While there may be challenges associated with using GLPI, they can be overcome with proper support. In terms of appearance, GLPI stands out as a mature software option, even compared to commercial systems. Its intuitive interface caters well to end users, who may not be as technically inclined. The simplicity and limited view of the interface reduce the chances of users getting lost or overwhelmed. Offering training and presentations on how to use the system effectively further enhances the user experience.

The user interface of GLPI is highly praised for its ability to streamline and enhance the efficiency of an entire company. It eliminates the need for time-consuming translations or guidance on how to navigate the system. It is designed to naturally adapt to different functions and work seamlessly with various systems.

GLPI is not your typical open-source software. It operates on a two-stage approach, with a strong editor ensuring the core functionality works well and addresses bugs, development, and intuitive GUI enhancements through major updates. The other driving force behind GLPI’s development and expansion is its partners. They contribute to the system by building plugins and suggesting improvements that may not have been considered by Teclib or others. This collaborative effort creates a robust support network, allowing GLPI to become more functional and accessible to a wider audience.

The support from partners is a crucial aspect to highlight. While Teclib serves as the core, they are open to suggestions and feedback from partners and customers. GLPI is a solution built and nurtured by these partners who implement and maintain the system, ensuring it meets the specific needs of different markets.

At the beginning, we talked about the type of customer type, also characteristic of the Polish market, because we see that each market has different tendencies and different needs and different preferences regarding the system, be it GLPI On Premise or GLPI Cloud, so each market is characterized by its specificity. I would like to return here to one topic about inventory, because as we know, support for version 9.5 ends at the end of June. Therefore, companies with previous versions should consider migrating to version ten.

Free migration to Cloud service is available, of course, with the new version of Cloud. How do you see this migration?

May I share something? Absolutely. Keeping the software updated is highly important and essential. If a particular version of the software is no longer supported, it is advisable to consider updating it, depending on specific requirements and issues.

Let’s be honest, if the application doesn’t require internet access and we don’t encounter any specific problems with its functionality, it might be fine to stick with the previous version. However, if we want to utilize certain features or address any issues, an update can be beneficial. It’s worth noting that updating may pose challenges if there are many installed plugins that are not easily upgradable or supported in the new version. This aspect should also be taken into consideration.

Fortunately, there is support available from Teclib and their partners in this regard. They assist with migrations, including transitions from open source versions to paid (cloud) solutions, often providing these services at no cost. Qualified partners have the expertise to perform such activities, including integrations and version migrations. Regarding the cloud version, it’s worth mentioning that GLPI offers a 45-day trial period with access to 25 plugins. Users can explore the software without any fees or providing credit card details. It’s a great opportunity to try it out and see if it meets their needs. Additionally, partners are typically open and willing to provide demos and further information about the functionalities.

Certainly, GLPI offers both cloud and on-premise versions. Before we conclude, I would like to hear from each of you, in just a few sentences, how you personally perceive GLPI. If you had to describe it in two or three sentences, what would you say? Let’s start with Krzysztof to complete the circle.

So, for me, the GLPI system is such a universal, comprehensive resource management system and a ticketing system at the same time. All in one. To be honest, And this is not the end, because the flexibility of this system allows you to expand it according to any needs that come to mind.

What about you, Kristian?

For me, on the technical side. First of all, it is a tool that allows me to check whether I am flooded with tasks when I come to work in the morning. What should I do? What was I supposed to do today? I have such a nice queue of requests, I have priorities and I know exactly what I should sit down for first and get to work also helps much better in organizing work on a daily basis. Also, when it comes to records, as we have mentioned many times during the meeting here, what should I pay attention to if, for example, equipment appears repeatedly in my applications? Should we think about changing it? Is offering something new to the client a very nice tool that makes sure that you don’t just get stuck on some strange thing.

And that he could simply set priorities as they should be set, and not as I see it just when I come to work in the morning. So much from me too. We even did some kind of test to see whether it is suitable as a CRM system. Well, most definitely. We adjusted the system so that thanks to the possibility of combining tickets, adding private notes, and sending leads to the technical department, we managed to create a really cool, compatible and efficient solution.

What about Matthew?

For me, GLPI is primarily plug & play. Very easy to run, very easy to use properly without TS, without any specialized IT knowledge and anyone can run it and anyone can start using it. Another important aspect is the flexibility of GLPI. It allows for easy development and addition of new functionalities through plugins. Additionally, the built-in API enables customization and organization of units within the system, providing a high level of flexibility to tailor processes to individual needs.

Moreover, GLPI’s multi-functionality is noteworthy. It encompasses various domains such as inventory management, ticket management, knowledge base, project management, and budgets. These modules seamlessly interact with each other, allowing users to utilize specific modules or integrate them to gain comprehensive information. In summary, GLPI is like a plug and play solution, offering flexibility and completeness.

It’s great to see that GLPI is viewed from various perspectives, highlighting its versatility and usefulness. For Adrian and Michał, it serves as a ticket management and inventory tool, streamlining client segregation and offering centralized access to all necessary information. The abundance of plugins further enhances its capabilities, providing numerous opportunities for customization and expansion.

As for Michał, GLPI represents a constantly evolving solution with endless possibilities. Each new case or potential user brings the excitement of exploring uncharted territory, as there’s always a plugin or solution that can address specific needs. It’s a learning journey for both Michał and others, as they discover new ways to propose and implement interesting solutions.

Overall, GLPI is seen as a powerful tool that simplifies processes, organizes data, and offers a world of potential, appealing to both technical and business-oriented individuals.

Mr. Slawek?

I’d like to add two important points from my perspective. Firstly, GLPI has greatly improved our knowledge management by centralizing dispersed information previously stored in old notebooks across various technical departments. Now, we can efficiently manage not only medical resources but also other valuable knowledge from a single platform.

Secondly, the flexibility of GLPI’s API is truly remarkable. It enables seamless integration with commercial databases, allowing us to retrieve and consolidate data from multiple systems into one. This simplifies the user experience, as they only need to adapt to a single interface while having access to comprehensive information. GLPI also helps ensure data quality by organizing fields separately, preventing unnecessary mixing of information like comments with serial numbers or contact details with contract numbers.

This comprehensive database proves to be unexpectedly useful, even for individuals who may not initially see the value of entering extensive information. For example, IT specialists may not realize the strategic importance of financial data for budget planning, which is crucial for public institutions. By having this information readily available within GLPI, we no longer need to approach the accounting office for specific statements, saving time and effort.

It’s just faster. It is also knowledge management and a very big time saving. If I may, I would like to add something here in reference to the statements of Mr. Sławek, Mr. Michał and Mr. Adrian.

Yes, the GLPI API provides numerous possibilities for integration with various systems. Adrian and Michał mentioned earlier that they are constantly learning new things about GLPI, and I agree with them. The range of functionalities in GLPI is extensive, and while we haven’t specifically discussed plugins, they play a significant role in covering a wide range of use cases.

It’s worth noting that users have the option to develop their own plugins for GLPI, extending its capabilities. The development documentation and coding standards provided by GLPI are well thought-out and make development easier.

Irek, thank you for your comment. With the multitude of plugins available, GLPI can cater to diverse needs. The 45-day trial version allows users to test up to 25 plugins and evaluate their performance. These plugins are an integral part of GLPI’s success, enabling the addition of various functionalities. In our experience, we have successfully created client-specific plugins and integrations to meet unique requirements.

And how about Bartosz?

I’m glad I am here to share my perspective. While many of the previous speakers have focused on technical aspects, your viewpoint on business issues is equally valuable. One important aspect to highlight is how this tool can make our daily work more efficient and streamlined.

As someone who appreciates finding ways to simplify tasks, I understand the value of offering clients a tool that supports their work. This can come in the form of automation or semi-automation, which helps to reduce human errors. For instance, collecting information about devices can be done almost automatically, saving time and effort. Additionally, the integration of helpdesk and financial aspects into one cohesive system, along with the ability to connect with additional tools, further enhances the benefits.

The open-source nature of the tool provides us with significant opportunities to streamline our work and prevent mistakes. Ultimately, the purpose of IT is to make our work easier, decrease the number of tasks we need to handle daily, and foster innovation.

So I personally am a fan of the fact that this tool is so complete and mature enough, especially in this latest version, that it simply facilitates work where before a lot of people were needed for the entire inventory to look after documents, etc. It partly eliminates the number of people that are needed to oversee it all.

That’s all from my side. You know, I could repeat a lot of things. I agree with everything that has been said here. Of course, I don’t deny it. But I simply mean that as if answering what is most important to me, fortunately this point stayed until the very end, you were afraid that someone would take advantage of it.

First and foremost, GLPI aims to make your job easier by eliminating repetitive tasks and ensuring important reminders, such as license renewals. It provides the ability to create task packages that systematically remind us of important events throughout the year, preventing us from forgetting anything.

We appreciate the opportunity to discuss GLPI, Open Source, and its various features from different perspectives. If viewers have any further questions or inquiries, they can reach out to us through the Contact tab on our website, We are open to discussions, eager to address queries, and willing to consider new projects. We highly encourage everyone to test the 45-day version, which offers a tangible opportunity to experience the system’s practical and substantive capabilities.

Thank you all for participating, and we hope to organize another GLPI discussion soon, focusing on selected topics chosen collectively.

Thank you for the invitation and the opportunity to share our thoughts.

GLPI 10.0.7 is available!

New version GLPI 10.0.7: A new GLPI version is available.

This release fixes several security issues that have been recently discovered. Update is recommended!

You can download the GLPI 10.0.7 archive on GitHub.
We still maintain maintain the 9.5 branch for security fixes and we also release a new version for it: GLPI 9.5.13 archive

You will find below the list of security issues fixed in this bugfixes version:

  • SQL injection and Stored XSS via inventory agent request (CVE-2023-28849).
  • Account takeover by authenticated user (CVE-2023-28632).
  • SQL injection through dynamic reports (CVE-2023-28838).
  • Stored XSS through dashboard administration (CVE-2023-28852).
  • Stored XSS on external links (CVE-2023-28636).
  • Reflected XSS in search pages (CVE-2023-28639).
  • Privilege Escalation from technician to super-admin (CVE-2023-28634).
  • Blind Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in RSS feeds (CVE-2023-28633).

Also, here is a short list of main changes done in this version:

  • Optional GLPI router to be able to use a safer web server root directory.
  • Support of SMTP OAuth authentication.
  • Improved inventory file upload feature.
  • Many fixes and improvements on native inventory.
  • Some bugs on PHP 8.2.
  • Caching issues on entities.
  • Boolean FullText operator not working on knowledge base search.
  • Unexpected search results when using negative condition on ticket actors.
  • Issues with LDAP filters/DN.
  • Unexpected results when searching on knowledge base categories.

The full changelog is available for more details.

We would like to thank all people who contributed to this new version and all those who contributes regularly to the GLPI project!

Download GLPI now:


New version 10.0.6 of GLPI!

A new GLPI version is available.

This release fixes several security issues that have been recently discovered. Update is recommended!

You can download the GLPI 10.0.6 archive on GitHub.
We still maintain maintain the 9.5 branch for security fixes and we also release a new version for it: GLPI 9.5.12 archive

You will find below the list of security issues fixed in this bugfixes version:

  • Unauthorized access to inventory files (CVE-2023-22500)
  • XSS on browse views (CVE-2023-22722)
  • XSS on external links (CVE-2023-22725)
  • XSS in RSS Description Link (CVE-2023-22724)
  • Unauthorized access to data export (CVE-2023-23610)
  • Stored XSS inside Standard Interface Help Link href attribute (CVE-2022-41941)

Also, here is a short list of main changes done in this version:

  • Unmanaged devices can be handled like a real asset.
  • Handle more actions for stale inventory agents.
  • Added new dictionnary rules for OS.
  • Removed glpi: prefix on console commands.
  • PHP 8.2 support.
  • Many fixes and improvements on native inventory.
  • Reservation display on self-service profile.
  • Mail collector issues with emails sent from Outlook.
  • Dashboard issues on “All” tab.
  • Ticket input is restored when submitted form is not complete.
  • Notification was not sent when ticket status was set to “pending”.

The full changelog is available for more details.

We would like to thank all people who contributed to this new version and all those who contributes regularly to the GLPI project!


GLPI news and work in progress (Fall 2022). 

The presentation is hosted by Alexandre Delaunay, in charge of the GLPI development team and the product owner for GLPI. 

In this video he talks about roadmap and some features development team wants in GLPI for the next major version. Here is the transcription:  

“To keep the presentation short, we will discuss only about: 

Major topics 

Or very graphical ones 

And I would like to insist on the fact that there is no promises of time regarding the delivery.  

We will try our best to add the features, but in function of how the year will go, some will be OK, others not.  

  1. Assets genericity. 

Now, we have in our marketplace 2 plugins to address generic adds: 

– Genericobject 

– Fields 

We want to add the possibility to let you customize each type of objects displayed in the Assets menu (at first). 

The first part of that is to let you define your types. 

We will provide a list of predefined types matching the current assets list and let you add new ones if you want. Like servers in addition to desktop or laptop computers. Or to do something completely different from IT management, e.g: cars, desks, etc. 

Some of the current types will still be not removable like Software, Rack, Cable, Cartridge and Consumable. The reason is their behavior, or their presentation differs from other assets. 

You will still be able to disable these if you want but deletion will be impossible. 

So, GENERICITY covers the creation of new asset types. 

  1. Assets composition 

In addition, on the same setup page, you will be able to define which capacity an asset type use. 

E.g. contracts, management, etc., COMPOSITION of an asset type, with some checkboxes to select capacities. 

This permits you to remove or add tabs to the object. 

Or if an object can be inventoried by an agent.

  1. GLPI Agent 

Let us talk a little about features related to the GLPI inventory agent. 

Remote inventory reminder. 

Before talking about roadmap, let us do a quick reminder about remote inventory feature 

This is a task you can set up for an agent to let it query other computers on your network to construct an inventory file for each. 

The single agent will aggregate all inventory files and send them in one pass to the inventory API of GLPI. 

So, the main purpose is to have only one deployed agent. 

We use SSH and WinRM protocols to achieve that.  

GLPI Agent – Roadmap (1/2). 

The first point we want to improve is to ease the inventory process of your network. 

We currently have two tasks: 

– discover which “ping” addresses in an IP range 

– network inventory, which takes the result of the discovery to do a full SNMP inventory for network equipment and printers. 

We will change the process, by: 

– adding remote inventory of COMPUTERS 

– and let discovery task directly doing a FULL inventory if it knows the type of the remote device. A SNMP query for network equipment, SSH or WinRm queries for computers. 

With one unified task and one setup, we aim to let you discover all your network devices. 

The two last bullet points describe things required by unified discovery. The new toolbox UI will receive forms: 

– to plan tasks for the agent. 

– to save credentials, like SNMP community, login password couple for Windows domain or public key for a SSH connection. In summary, any information to let the agent connect to a remote device. 

GLPI Agent – Roadmap (2/2) 

We thought about rewriting a large part of the agents, and we shortlisted Golang for that. 

The fact the agent is written with the language PERL. 

Recently, finding developers comfortable with this language has been hard. 

We will try a prototype within the year to measure our capacity to switch to this new language. 

We plan also to enforce exchange between agents and backend by adding authentication and registration flows. This will be recommended but you will be able to do simple exchanges if you prefer. 

And we still need to redo all forms to drive remotely the agent in GLPI UI. 

This is still planned. 

  1. GLPI  

Let us talk a bit about features related to the GLPI web application. 

High-level API (1/2) 

Firstly, we will add a new API, again. 

We observe that, despite the old one permits more usage, due to its low-level connection with the framework, it is hard to maintain its stability and avoid regression. 

We maintain an interface to address depreciation for this previous API, but it is getting harder and harder to do. 

So, a new API connected to a higher level with stabilized endpoints and parameters. 

And we took advantage to add some comfort features: 

– we have a dedicated UI based on Swagger UI to ease discovering and testing endpoints and their parameters 

– we also use RSQL, a common Query language for filtering API. 

High-level API (2/2) 

For the second slide, you can see in action a GET request to list users in GLPI database. 

  1. DCIM 

 We want to extend the datacenter features in the next version. Mainly about adding graphical views. 

DCIM – Network equipment’s panels 

 The first and the simpler one is graphical panel for network ports list in equipment forms. 

We will take the front and rear pictures defined in the model of the equipment and display them above the ports list. 

The user will get information about each port directly on the picture panel by hovering them. 

A single click on a port will scroll the page to the good line to get more information. 

In the model setup, you will have a new tab to draw each port’s position. 

DCIM – Graphical enclosures (1/2) 

In the same way, slots of an enclosure can be drawn and indexed to indicate to GLPI where sub items can be placed. 

DCIM – Graphical enclosures (2/2) 

On a rack view where an enclosure is inserted, instead of a single blank rectangle, slots will be displayed and usual controls available, like hovering or clicking to get more information. 

DCIM – Graphical connections 

Finally, for DCIM part, we will try to add some representation for network or power connections. 

The goal is to get links between equipment. 

This is early to talk about this, we have short specifications for this, and it requires more research to find a library, for example. 

Keep in mind the current screenshot does not represent any existing development. 

  1. Misc 

Workflows – Processes 

We have a functional prototype for this. 

A new view to let GLPI administrator’s set up their business processes. 

With steps, transitions, conditions and actions, a full toolkit to describe a full workflow. 

This aims to replace legacy rules. 

And for a start, it will be available for assistance objects like tickets or change. 

Nutanix inventory import 

 Another development currently in alpha is the connector to Nutanix API to get: 

– Clusters 

– Hosts 

– Virtual machines 

– Disks 

The module parses the distant API and sends them to the native inventory API of GLPI. 

The merger with existing devices is done with the rule engine as usual. 


 Another connector, GLPI will serve a SCIM endpoint for your Microsoft Azure instance. 

This protocol pushes changes of users from the directory to connected application. 

So instead of synchronizing the whole user’s database and matching everyone, any change in the directory will be immediately pushed to GLPI. 

  1. Security 

Now, a security feature, two factors authentication! 

Administrators can enforce users’ logins in the security setup to ask them to register an external application like Google Authenticator or Authy. 

Security – 2 factors (2/2) 

After a successful login, a new field will appear asking users to paste a pin code from the authentication application. 

Security – Oauth Server 

We will add an Oauth server to GLPI for 2 purposes: 

– connect applications to GLPI to delegate the login feature and identity management 

– secure our several API like inventory one or the general purpose one. 

Security – misc 

– Vulnerabilities management 

– Scanners integration (vuls, tsunamin) 

– CVE matching 

Some various points: 

In the management menu, a new entry to list vulnerabilities. 

The goal is, with the help of external scanners, like vuls or tsnunamin, as well as some API to get CVE and match them to known software’s to see if a host has some security vulnerabilities. 

Some dashboard cards and alerts will also be added to enhance reporting about this subject. 

Technical changes 

– Web root for the application will be `/public` 

– continue work on twig (removing legacy echo) 

– removal of legacy auto escaping 

– modularization of critical features 

– e-charts lib for dashboards 

Last slide to tell you we continue to improve the core of GLPI. 

The most impactful for you will be the move of the web root of the application. 

Now, it will be a sub-folder named /public. 

Thereby, all other sub-folders (like files for example) will not be available on the web when the webserver is not well set up. 

The next point is legacy codebase we need to clean. 

And to finish, we moved to a new charting library called e-charts. 

It is simpler to use on our side and you appreciate the new colors and its interactivity. 


– Currently, finish stabilize 10.0 version 

– End of 2023, beta of next major version 

We are still working on bugfixing the 10 version. This last brought substantial changes, especially on the assistance part. 

But we aim to work on the incoming yearly results fully on the latest version. 

Discover native GLPI inventory

Very soon the new major version of GLPI will be released with many new features, including a major overhaul of the interface.

Here is the quick look at automatic inventory features.

GLPI Desktop / Server Agent

Fork of the Perl FusionInventory agent, this new agent is enhanced with several new features:

  • A new stand-alone interface (called Toolbox) allowing the configuration of network discoveries and inventories.
  • An improved proxy mode to allow inventory reporting from remote networks.
  • Remote inventory support (agentless), currently with support for WinRM (Windows) and SSH (Linux / Unix) protocols.
  • Inventory of database servers.
  • New exchange protocol with GLPI server in JSON format supporting partial inventory.
  • Soon: management of remote inventory tasks, including for ESX polls.
  • Improved Windows support including MSI packages.
  • Native support for MacOSX Big Sur and the new Apple Silicon M1 chip.

The GLPI agent can advantageously replace the FusionInventory agent because it remains fully compatible with the automatic inventory of the FusionInventory.

This new agent is already available, you can download and test it:

Nightly built packages are also available to get the latest developments:

We provide the community with a documentation detailing the installation, use and configuration of this new agent. Note that there may still be a few aspects to be completed (the missing points will be filled in the coming weeks).

We also provide a perl script (see dedicated documentation) allowing you to install agent on Linux with a suitable package (rpm, deb, snap.)

Some screenshots to illustrate the ToolBox interface of new agent:

scan local
Resultats d'inventaire
Support des MIB

GLPI Android Agnet

Some time ago the android agent has returned to the google play store. It supports versions 4 to 10.

For GLPI Network subscription customers, we have also added the possibility of configuring the server URL via mechanism called “Deeplink”. Using QRCode agent automatically retrieves the configuration to connect to the server.

GLPI Native Inventory

We are happy to announce we add support for automatic inventory directly to GLPI core.

New API REST (front/inventory.php) will be available to receive inventory files in historical format (OCS, fusioninventory) or via new format json.

We therefore keep compatibility with the previous agents (just it will be necessary to reconfigure the server URLs of the historical agents, or to set up a web proxy to perform a redirection to the new URL).

You can now manage with this new format most of GLPI’s inventory objects, like telephones, applications, racks, etc.
This is enabled by a new rewrite of the underlying code. The interface is inspired by the community projects mentioned above, the code is new.

This code now allows you to receive partial inventories.

This consists of sending only part of the particular information related to the object, and indicating to the server – via a flag – to update only the data concerned.

Transfer, processing, insertion and update of data is done in a significantly faster way.

Configuration Inventaire Natif
Regles d'import et de liaison

Advanced tasks

As seen above, GLPI now integrates the basic building block concerning automatic inventory.
However we have not yet taken over the advanced tasks allowed by previous projects.
Here are a few points about these tasks:

  • Network discovery and inventory: now independently configurable by GLPI agent via Toolbox interface.
  • ESX query, soon supported by same interface
  • Collection (WMI, files, registers): not supported.
  • Tele-deployment: not supported.

For these last two features several scenarios are possible:

  • First of all, keep the previous plugin (if this one is updated)
  • Use our transition package. A fork of the FusionInventory plugin (GLPI inventory plugin) will be made available. It will redirect the classic inventories to the native part and keep the advanced tasks.

In our roadmap it is planned to work on rewriting of these parts, but as long as version 10 being almost done (and this substantial work), we are postponing their availability for a few months.