
A new default tab appears on the main page to display customizable dashboards.

Assets dashboard

These dashboards can be:

  • shared with other users or integrated with other applications
  • put in full screen mode (to be displayed on a large screen, for example)
  • edited / added / deleted / cloned to precisely fit your reporting needs.

In addition to the central page, there is also a dashboard for the 1st level menus:

  • Park
  • Assistance

and in addition, from the general configuration, you can also activate “mini” dashboards for tickets

setup dashboard

Download the Release Candidate 2 here: link.

GLPI 9.5: release candidate 2.

Following the publishing of the release candidate of GLPI version 9.5 15 days ago, you have reported a number of small issues that have been fixed, including:

  • Planning display was broken,
  • The warning about missing dependencies during installation or update was absent,
  • Inability to register to access the marketplace,
  • Missing translations,
  • and others

Today, we are uploading new RC version for you to test the improvements.

Unless a major problem is detected, the next version will be the final stable release.


Download the rc2 archive, test the migration and the new features (you may also test the existing ones) and report us the issues you encounter on the bug tracker (tag it as ).

Translators, please, add missing sentences for your language on transifex.

Formcreator 2.10.0

Formcreator plugin for GLPI is a plugin which allows to create custom forms of easy access and also one or more tickets or changes when the form is filled. Today we are happy to announce the release of Formcreator plugin version 2.10.0.

Want to know more about how it works? Find the answer in our blog post.

Bug Fixes

  • bad redirection
  • category: entity restriction not applied
  • dropdownfield: empty dropdown
  • form: bad expression to acess form name
  • issue: cancel ticket with simplified service catalog

Complete list: click 


  • glpiselectfield: support for new passive DC equipment

Download: click

GLPI 9.5: Impact management and relationship management.

From most of the objects in the fleet, you will now have access to a new “Impact” tab allowing you to create the relations between your assets and visualize the impact of a breakdown towards critical element.

graphique d'impact et de dépendances

You will find this view from a ticket for the associated elements.

When building a graph for a property, you will have access to a toolbar allowing you to:

  • add other goods to the chart
  • to trace the connections
  • to group assets
  • to export the chart as PNG
  • go to full screen mode
  • to control the tree level
barre d'outils des impacts

Download the Release Candidate here: link.


Registration link: click here
Interested in GLPI and wonder if it can fulfil your company needs? We are happy to invite you to sign up for our webinar “Introduction to GLPI“.

25th of June 2020, at 17.00 PM Madrid timezone.

This webinar will be held in English and oriented for IT department employees, who wants to know better the capacity of GLPI. If you have recently started GLPI on Cloud, you will also find this webinar useful.

We will cover the following subjects:

  • GLPI is a free software, why I have to pay?
  • GLPI on-premises and GLPI Cloud
  • GLPI: Helpdesk
  • GLPI: Asset management

During this webinar you will be also able to ask questions and get a quote for your project.
The registration is free of charge, please, use the link above to sign up.

Formcreator 2.10.0 -rc.1

Formcreator est un plugin permettant la création de formulaires personnalisés simples d’accès aux utilisateurs aboutissant à la création d’un ou plusieurs tickets GLPI. Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer la sortie de la version 2.10.0 – RC 1 avec au menu du bug fixes:

  • La classe ne doit pas être accessible directement
  • Compatibilité avec GLPI 9.5
  • Incohérence et possible boucle infinie dans l’import
  • maintenir l’utilisateur dans le catalogue de service
  • suppression de code de debug
  • category: Utiliser des noms courts

Liste complète: ICI


  • icône de menu pour GLPI 9.5
  • backport de PR 1681 pour 2.10
  • compatibilité avec 9.5
  • condition: condition sur la visibilité des questions
  • form: Vérification de version à l’import d’un fichier JSON
  • form question: Vérification de champ obligatoire côté navigateur
  • issue: Groupe validateur dans les demandes d’assistance
  • section: Titre de section obligatoire
  • targetticket,targetchange: Backport des conditions
  • wizard: Toujours afficher l’entrée de menu des recherches sauvegardées

A télécharger : ICI