New plugin: rename GLPI strings (localeoverride)

New plugin is available in GLPI Network offers: rename GLPI strings (localeoverride).

Complete modern rewrite of an old Renamer plugin, this new plugin is based on the new loading system of locals in the 9.5 version of GLPI.
The plugin brings an UI to search strings, modify them and generate the files needed by GLPI.



You can now download this plugin via integrated marketplace of GLPI 9.5 or from the plugins catalog. It is also available on GLPI Network Cloud platform!

If you wish to obtain professional support and want to secure your GLPI instance, don’t hesitate to contact us using this form or purchase it online here: GLPI Network Subscriptions 

Formcreator 2.11.0 – beta 1

This version is beta. You may contribute to improve the plugin before the final release, planned for the last week of January 2021.

How can you help?

  • Test the upgrade process of the plugin.
  • Test the new features, especially the new questions layout for forms.
  • Help to translate the locales in your language. Translations are stored on Transifex.

Download: click here

Important note:
The growing popularity of this plugin makes it used in more complex use cases. Recent issues and feedbacks shows that two important design solutions must evolve:

  • entity restrictions in some parts of the plugin;
  • consistency checks when showing forms to requesters;
  • processing their answers
  • consistency checks when designing forms.

These enhancements will impact some complex use cases by changing the available items of dropdowns / assets when a requester fills in a form. Those changes will occur only in minor versions updates.
In other words, we recommend you to check carefully forms containing questions related to dropdowns, assets, users and groups before upgrading to version 2.11.x.

This version contains the following change:

entity of dropdowns is now relative to the form, not the user. see #2023

Major features

  • Questions are now positioned on a 4 columns grid and may have variable width
  • Service catalog may split forms and KB in 2 distinct menu entries (disabled by default)
  • Default sorting of forms (alphabetic, popularity) is now customizable (see entity > forms tab)
  • Captcha for anonymous forms (disabled by default)


  • SyncIssues automatic action is now disabled by default. Upgrading to 2.11 will disable it as well.

GLPI 9.5.3

Teclib’ is happy to announce the release of GLPI 9.5.3.

This release fixes medium security issues that has been recently discovered. Update is recommended!

You can download the GLPI 9.5.3 archive on GitHub.

Here is the list of security cases detected and fixed in this version:

  • Any CalDAV calendars is read-only for every authenticated user (CVE-2020-26212)
  • Insecure Direct Object References in ajax files (CVE-2020-27662 && CVE-2020-27663)

Note that some are present since a long time (version 0.68), but this time none of these issues was considered as high/critical.

We also fixed a lot of bugs, here are important ones:

  • we continue the work on stabilizing the usage of laminas/mail library:
    • Attachments were not imported as documents with specific content-disposition.
    • Some HTML mails were imported as text (and html was present in the description of the ticket).
  • For the dashboards:
    • Bars and lines graphs were animated not correct inn recent versions of chromium based browsers.
    • Default pages for users without dashboard were empty.
    • Adding some missing filters: tech users and tech groups.
  • Misc:
    • A new cli command to set GLPI configuration values.
    • Response time on personnal tab of index is now improved.
    • PHP8 compatibility.

The full changelog is available for more details.

We would like to thank all people who contributed to this new version and all those who contributes regularly to the GLPI project!


Formcreator 2.10.4

Formcreator plugin for GLPI is a plugin which allows to create custom forms of easy access and also one or more tickets or changes when the form is filled. Today we are happy to announce the release of Formcreator plugin version 2.10.4.

Bug Fixes

  • dropdownfield:
  • form: missing closing tag
  • formanswer: uploads lost when re-submitting answers
  • issue: enhance error message when canceling an issue
  • issue: handle deletion of validation
  • issue: update issue status on ticket validation update
  • locales: re-apply bad translation fix
  • notificationtargetformanswer: not rendered fullform tag
  • targetticket,targetchange: handle import failure on missing question
  • wizard: reservation search failure
  • update hooks


  • targetticket,targetchange: add tag for notification



SQL for dashboards.

This plugin allows administrators to create new data providers for the GLPI dasboards.

It currently permits to:

  • a code editor (based on monaco) bringing syntax hightlighting, automatic formatting and autocomplete for tables.
  • csv and json export
  • embed your queries results in an external application (without using GLPI dashboard).

Download the plugin:



Formcreator plugin for GLPI is a plugin which allows to create custom forms of easy access and also one or more tickets or changes when the form is filled. Today we are happy to announce the release of Formcreator plugin version 2.10.3.

Want to know more about how it works? Find the answer in our blog post.

Bug Fixes

  • description: simple text may render HTML tags
  • dropdownfield: SQL error to find curent user’s groups
  • dropdownfield: bad entity restriction
  • form: bad path to css
  • form: bad sharing URL
  • glpiselectfield: missing caps un classnames

You can consult the changelog here: click


  • use font awesome for all icons
  • descriptionfield: allow description field in targets
  • question,section: tip on conditions count

Performance Improvements

  • condition: conditions evaluation
