Oauth authentication for mail receivers

A while ago Microsoft and Google announced they would close basic connections for IMAP mailboxes on their services Office 365 and Google suite:

The current crisis has made them to postpone the deadlines of termination to 2021, but starting from October 2020, in particular for Azure / Office, new accounts will have the “basic” authentication disabled by default (it will be possible to re-enable it until next year).

To overcome this upcoming eol, we developed a mini plugin available for GLPI community, which allows to create an oauth connection to their services.

It lets you to declare an oauth client from a list of suppliers and then use this client in your mail collectors:

mail receiver with oauth client

You can now download this plugin via integrated marketplace of GLPI 9.5 or from the plugins catalog.

If you wish to obtain official support and want to secure your GLPI instance, don’t hesitate to contact us using this form  or purchase online here: Services.

GLPI 9.5.2

After several weeks, Teclib’ is happy to announce the release of GLPI 9.5.2.

This release fixes several security issues that has been recently discovered. Update is strongly recommended!

You can download the GLPI 9.5.2 archive on GitHub.

Here is the list of security flaws detected and fixed in this version:

  • SQL injection with a query parameter of user form (CVE-2020-15176)
  • Removal of .htaccess file in the files folder via a plugin endpoint (CVE-2020-15175)
  • Leakage issue with knowledge base (CVE-2020-15217)
  • Stored XSS in install script (CVE-2020-15177)
  • Minor SQL Injection in Search API (CVE-2020-15226)

Note, some are present since a long time (0.68).

We also fixed a lot of issues, here are important ones:

  • mailgates issues:
    • encoding errors
    • missing images in some tickets
    • exceptions for some particular messages
  • a small notice (listTables) was visible while updating to 9.5.1.
  • in some rare cases, the encryption process of passwords could fail
  • For the dashboards:
    • fix user preferences
    • fix overlap of mini dashboard above tickets list

And we worked on improving the dashboards:

  • new summary widget
  • new articles widget
  • display labels on point and bar (with a new available option)
  • cards have now a minimum size
  • we added personnal filters. Toggle edit mode, and add filters on top of dashboards.

The full changelog is available for more details.

We would like to thank all people who contributed to this new version and all those who contributes regularly to the GLPI project!


ApprovalByMail – new plugin for GLPI.

We are happy to announce that ApprovalByMail plugin is available now. To get it, we invite you to purchase GLPI Network Subscription (if you use GLPI on-premises) or use GLPI Network Cloud platform (the plugin is already pre-installed and included in our offer).

This plugin allows to answer a validation request directly from mail without logging to GLPI.

To learn more about its features and configuration, please, read the documentation: click here

In case if you want to test the ApprovalByMail plugin we offer 45 days free trial on GLPI Network Cloud, just register your account here and instantly access your virtual instance: https://myaccount.glpi-network.cloud/register.php


Formcreator 2.10.2

Formcreator plugin for GLPI is a plugin which allows to create custom forms of easy access and also one or more tickets or changes when the form is filled. Today we are happy to announce the release of Formcreator plugin version 2.10.2.

Want to know more about how it works? Find the answer in our blog post.

Bug Fixes

  • modal positioning
  • confition: hide garbage conditions
  • filefield: broken mandatory check
  • form: bad session var type when using anonymous form
  • form: doubling starcauses SQL error
  • form: error in displayed form URL
  • form: error in displayed form URL
  • form: forbid clone massive action in GLPI 9.5

You can consult the changelog here: click


  • question,section: show conditions count


Plugin for data anonymization is available!

We are happy to announce that Anonymization plugin is available now. To get it, we invite you to purchase GLPI Network Subscription (if you use GLPI on-premises) or use GLPI Network Cloud platform (the plugin is already pre-installed and included in our offer).

This plugin will allow the data anonymization in GLPI, directly from the web interface or with the command line, either unitarily or massively.

To learn more about its features and configuration, please, read the documentation: click here

In case if you want to test the Anonymization plugin we offer 45 days free trial on GLPI Network Cloud, just register your account here and instantly access your virtual instance: https://myaccount.glpi-network.cloud/register.php



At Novandi Cloud Services SA de CV, we are focused on designing and developing innovative IT solutions with the highest quality standards, enabling organizations to achieve their goals in the short and long term. We are partners of the main IT manufacturers worldwide and work with a highly qualified team that has the most demanded certifications in the industry.


We are proud that GLPI ITSM solution is becoming more and more represented all over the world and GLPI Network (our new tool – your control tower for all your IT Infrastructure) subscription service will be available for more customers through our new partners.

Our large partnership network is always open for new collaborations. If you are interested in representing one of our products in your country, get in touch with us: click here.

Being a partner means having an a direct access to the Teclib´s technical database, new releases, official support and many other tools which will help you to gain more customers and increase reputation on the market. Find out all benefits of being a partner sending us an email: click here.

Check the list of our partners: https://www.teclib-edition.com/en/partners/find-a-partner/