First look at GLPI 9.5

In some weeks we will launch the new major version of GLPI: 9.5.

A lot of new features will be available, here is a short list:

  • New marketplace for plugins.
  • Impacts and dependencies vizualisation for assets.
  • New graphical and customizable dashboards.
  • New canned responses for follow-up form.
  • Support for field templates for Problems and Changes.
  • Kanban board for project management.
  • Enhanced planning view and a new full caldav server.
  • Timezones support.
  • Impersonate function for super-admins.
  • Various improvements in UI and UX.

Consult the full changelog for a more complete list.

Please note, we dropped Kerberos support in mail collector setup as we needed to move to another library for mail support that does not provide this option. Please contact us if it’s an issue for you.

Today, we upload the release candidate archive for this version.

How can you help us ?

Download the rc archive, test the migration and the new features (you may also test the existing ones) and report us the issues you encounter on the bug tracker (tag it as ).

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