Unlocking Efficient Network Inventory Management with the GLPI Agent Toolbox Plugin

When we speak about IT asset management, ensuring the efficient tracking and management of your organization’s hardware and software assets is paramount. The GLPI Agent, an essential component of the GLPI Inventory ecosystem, is your ally in achieving this. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the GLPI Agent, its importance, and a valuable toolbox plugin that allows administrators to manage tasks locally without the need to create them on the GLPI server.

This is especially valuable for complex networks where installing agents on every computer may not be feasible or when security and compliance reasons restrict server connections.

Understanding the GLPI Agent

The GLPI Agent is a powerful tool developed to simplify the challenges associated with IT asset management. It facilitates the collection and transmission of vital data from connected devices to the central GLPI Server. This continuous flow of data empowers organizations to:

  • Maintain Real-Time Inventory: With the GLPI Agent, you can keep an up-to-date inventory of your hardware and software assets. This real-time snapshot is crucial for making informed decisions.
  • Reduce Downtime: By having a clear view of your IT assets, you can minimize downtime by addressing issues proactively and efficiently.
  • Optimize Resource Allocation: Resource allocation becomes more efficient when you know exactly what you have. This leads to cost savings and improved productivity.
  • Enhance Security Protocols: Security is a top concern in the IT world. With the GLPI Agent, you can better protect your assets by staying informed about their status.
  • Compliance and Licensing: For organizations that need to comply with licensing and security requirements, the GLPI Agent is a valuable asset for maintaining compliance.

Introducing the GLPI Toolbox Plugin

One of the standout features of the GLPI Agent is its toolbox plugin. This plugin allows administrators to manage tasks locally, directly from their computers, without the need to create tasks on the GLPI server. This feature is particularly valuable in scenarios where:

  • Installing agents on every computer is not practical.
  • Security measures or compliance regulations prevent direct server connections.

Since the version 1.6 some new and important features were added to the Toolbox plugin like:

  • A dedicated page to schedule tasks — you can also setup the tasks to run on a daily basis or in blob times ( e.g.: every hour, or every three hours)
  • A dedicated list of inventoried devices — when using the Agent Folder as the target of the tasks
  •  New layout of icons and buttons
  • A wider range of credentials and IP ranges administration for Remote Inventory and ESX Inventory support.

To help you get started with the GLPI Toolbox Plugin, we’ve created a video tutorial. In this video, you’ll learn step-by-step how to set up the toolbox plugin for local task management and also how to create a scheduled task. This visual guide will make the process easy to understand and implement, ensuring that you can efficiently manage your tasks without unnecessary server interactions.

Useful links

Video content

00:00 – Introduction to GLPI Agent Toolbox Plugin
02:15 – Installing the GLPI Agent on Windows
03:57 – How to activate the Toolbox plugin
07:27 – How to enable menus inside the GlPI Agent toolbox plugin
07:53 – How to create inventory tasks using the toolbox plugin on GLPI Agent
11:24 – How to import the inventory files to my GLPI Server
14:04 – How to convert an unmanaged device into a computer in GLPI


Formcreator 2.8.1 is available to download. This version is compatible with GLPI 9.3 and is compatible with GLPI 9.4.

FormCreator plugin for GLPI is a plugin which allows to create custom forms of easy access and also one or more tickets or changes when the form is filled.

More about its features read in our blog post: https://glpi-project.org/formcreator-plugin-version-2-7-0-for-glpi/ 

Bug Fixes

  • filefield: fix bad value in generated targets
  • form_validator: import valodators from JSON
  • glpiselect: show user firstname and lastname
  • issue: mis ordered columns in resync
  • issue: resynchronization error
  • question_condition: inverted import condition
  • wizard: inconsistencies in counters

Please, download the update here: https://github.com/pluginsGLPI/formcreator/releases/tag/v2.8.1 

FormCreator plugin version 2.8.0

Cette version est un correctif pour 2.7.0. Un de ces correctis requiert un saut vers 2.8.0

Le plugin est compatible avec GLPI 9.3 et 9.4.

Corrections de bugs: 

* checkboxesfield: Prend en cahrge le cas où une seule option est cochée
* dropdownfield: Mauvaise restriction d’entité
* dropdownfield: Maivaise prise en charge de sous arbre pour les catégories ITIL
* form: Corrige l’envoi de fichiers de manière anonyme
* form: import d’entité et catégorie
* formanswer: Utilisation d’un champ inexistant pour le décompte
* glpiobject,dropdown: La réponse au formulaire doit afficher un nom, pas un ID
* install: Retire le renommage du plugin de l’upgrade vers 2.7
* install: Renomme le plugin en 2.8, pas en 2.7
* issue: Reconstruction de la table des demandes d’assistance
* question,section: Bug d’échappement à la duplication
* questionrange,questionregex: Mauvais noms de variables
* section: Echappement de questions à la duplication
* targetchange: Ajout d’utilisateurs depuis une question de type acteurs
* targetchange: Catégorie non assignée
* wizard: Compatibilité sur les versiosn de Font Awesome
* Renommage du plugin


* glpiselect: anout de projets dans la liste de types pris en charge
* issue: ajout d’un qtip sur les tickets

Télécharger: https://github.com/pluginsGLPI/formcreator/releases/tag/v2.8.0 


Formcreator plugin version 2.8.0

This version is a bugfix of 2.7.0. One of those fixes required a bump to 2.8.0.

It is compatible with GLPI 9.3 and 9.4.

Bug Fixes: 

* checkboxesfield: handle case when one option is selected
* dropdownfield: bad entity restriction
* dropdownfield: bad subtree handling for ITIL category
* form: fix anonymous file upload
* form: import of entity and category
* formanswer: use of non-existent field for count
* glpiobject,dropdown: formanswer must display name, not the ID
* install: remove rename of the plugin from upgrade to 2.7
* install: rename of the plugin in 2.8, not 2.7
* issue: rebuild of issues table
* question,section: escaping bug on duplication
* questionrange,questionregex: bad var names
* section: escape questions to duplicate
* targetchange: add users from question of type actors
* targetchange: category not assigned
* wizard: compatibility across versions of the font awesome
* rename the plugin


* glpiselect: add Project in the supported list
* issue: add qtip for ticket types

Download: https://github.com/pluginsGLPI/formcreator/releases/tag/v2.8.0 



Formcreator est un plugin permettant la création de formulaires personnalisés simples d’accès aux utilisateurs aboutissant à la création d’un ou plusieurs tickets GLPI.


  1. Accès par menu direct en interface self-service
  2. Mise en avant de formulaires en pages d’accueil
  3. Accès des formulaires contrôlés : accès public, accès utilisateurs identifiés, accès restreint à certains profils
  4. Des formulaires simples et personnalisables
  5. Des formulaires organisés par catégories, par entités et par langues.
  6. Des questions ouvertes ou fermées, de tout type de présentation : Champs textes, listes, LDAP, fichiers, etc.
  7. Organisation des questions par sections. Choix de l’ordre d’affichage.
  8. Possibilité de n’afficher une question que selon certains critères (réponse à une autre question)
  9. Un contrôle pointu sur les réponses de formulaires : Texte, nombres, taille des champs, e-mail, champs obligatoires, expressions réguliaires, etc.
  10. Création d’un ou plusieurs tickets ou changements à partir des réponses aux formulaires
  11. Ajout de description par champs, par section de questions, par formulaires, par entités et langues.
  12. Formatage du/des ticket(s) créé(s) : réponses aux questions à afficher, gabarits de tickets.
  13. Prévisualisation du formulaire créé directement dans la configuration.

Nous venons de publier la version 2.7.0-beta.3

S’il vous plaît, téléchargez-le ici: https://github.com/pluginsGLPI/formcreator/releases 

et nous signaler les problèmes que vous rencontrez sur le bug tracker.

Merci de votre aide!