GLPI 9.5: release candidate.

First look at GLPI 9.5

In some weeks we will launch the new major version of GLPI: 9.5.

A lot of new features will be available, here is a short list:

  • New marketplace for plugins.
  • Impacts and dependencies vizualisation for assets.
  • New graphical and customizable dashboards.
  • New canned responses for follow-up form.
  • Support for field templates for Problems and Changes.
  • Kanban board for project management.
  • Enhanced planning view and a new full caldav server.
  • Timezones support.
  • Impersonate function for super-admins.
  • Various improvements in UI and UX.

Consult the full changelog for a more complete list.

Please note, we dropped Kerberos support in mail collector setup as we needed to move to another library for mail support that does not provide this option. Please contact us if it’s an issue for you.

Today, we upload the release candidate archive for this version.

How can you help us ?

Download the rc archive, test the migration and the new features (you may also test the existing ones) and report us the issues you encounter on the bug tracker (tag it as ).

Translators, please, add missing sentences for your language on transifex.

Live webinar: “Introduction to GLPI”


Registration link: click here
Interested in GLPI and wonder if it can fulfil your company needs? We are happy to invite you to sign up for our webinar “Introduction to GLPI“.

4th of June 2020, at 11.00 AM Madrid timezone.

This webinar will be held in English and oriented for IT department employees, who wants to know better the capacity of GLPI. If you have recently started GLPI on Cloud, you will also find this webinar useful.

We will cover the following subjects:

  • GLPI is a free software, why I have to pay?
  • GLPI on-premises and GLPI Cloud
  • GLPI: Helpdesk
  • GLPI: Asset management

During this webinar you will be also able to ask questions and get a quote for your project.
The registration is free of charge, please, use the link above to sign up.


Formcreator est un plugin permettant la création de formulaires personnalisés simples d’accès aux utilisateurs aboutissant à la création d’un ou plusieurs tickets GLPI. Vous voulez savoir comment le plugin fonctionne? C’est ici. Nous sommes heureux d’annoncer la sortie de la version 2.9.2 avec au menu du bug fixes:

  • build: Inverse l’ordre des versions dans
  • central: liste des formulaires affichée deux fois
  • condition: Change de nouveau la façon de cacher les questions et les sections
  • condition: export incomplet
  • condition: avertissement php si une question n’existe pas
  • dropdownfield: Erreur SQL : identifiant de colonne ambigu
  • dropdownfield,glpiobjectfield: sous type non affiché


  • ajout d’icônes de menus pour GLPI 9.5
  • compatibilité avec GLPI 9.5
  • form,question: vérificatin de champ obligatoire côté navigateur
  • section: rendre le nom de section obligatoire
  • wizard: toujours afficher les recherches sauvegardées

A télécharger ici: click


Formcreator plugin for GLPI is a plugin which allows to create custom forms of easy access and also one or more tickets or changes when the form is filled. Today we are happy to announce the release of Formcreator plugin version 2.9.2

Want to know more about how it works? Find the answer in our blog post.


  • add menu icon for GLPI 9.5
  • compatibility with GLPI 9.5
  • form,question: mandatory check in browser
  • section: make section title required
  • wizard: always show saved searches menu item

Bug fixes:

  • build: invert order of versions in changelog
  • central: list of forms displayed twice
  • condition: change again the way to hide questions and sections
  • condition: incomplete export
  • condition: PHP warning if a question does not exists
  • dropdownfield: SQL error: ambiguous column id
  • dropdownfield,glpiobjectfield: sub type not displayed

    Complete list you can find here: click

Download: click


Después de varias semanas, Teclib´ esta feliz de anunciar el lanzamiento de GLPI 9.4.6.

Puede descargar GLPI 9.4.6 archivo en GitHub.

A continuación encontrará los cambios de esta versión de corrección de errores:

  • (seguridad) Evitar la ejecución de inyección SQL mientras se asigna un técnico,
  • (seguridad) Permiso para cambiar la clave utilizada para almacenar contraseñas,
  • (seguridad) Mejora el token CSRF,
  • (seguridad) Repara varios XSS posibles,
  • (seguridad) Repara algunas posibles inyecciones SQL,
  • Solucionar problemas de almacenamiento en caché de SCSS,
  • Se corrigió el manejo de imágenes en línea en la actualización del elemento,
  • Fija la compatibilidad con PHP 7.4,
  • Conéctese a la base de datos usando el socket,
  • y mas!

El changelog completo está disponible para más detalles.

Nos gustaría agradecer a todas las personas que contribuyeron a esta nueva versión y a todos los que contribuyen regularmente al proyecto GLPI.

Recordatorio: hemos lanzado la pagina web de soporte para GLPI Network.
Si necesita soporte profesional o servicios de nuestros partners, consulte
