GLPI прекрасно интегрируется в вашу информационную систему.PUSH АУТЕНТИФИКАЦИЯ И КОНТРОЛЬ  ДОСТУПАПодключите GLPI к нескольким источникам аутентификации: серверам LDAP, почтовым серверам и т. д. Создайте расширенные правила для управления разрешениями для пользователей.
Разделяйте приложение на объекты, чтобы получить отдельный вид и доступ к конкретным данным. Настройте автоматическую аутентификацию (SSO), чтобы облегчить регистрацию ваших пользователей.ИнвентаризацияВсегда есть способ провести инвентаризацию вашей ИТ-инфраструктуры:

  • Автоматическая инвентаризация на большинстве ОС, доступных на рынке
  • Управление физическими машинами, виртуализацией и контейнерами
  • Обнаружение и инвентаризация сети
  • Инвентаризация серверов VMWare
  • Подключение к сторонним инструментам инвентаризации, таким как Microsoft SCCM

СОЕДИНЕНИЕ С ДРУГИМ ПРОГРАММНЫМ ОБЕСПЕЧЕНИЕМGLPI имеет множество соединений с другими компонентами вашей ИТ-инфраструктуры, такими как Airwatch, iTop, OpenVAS, Xivo, PreludeSIEM, Centreon и многими другими!ПлагиныБлагодаря GLPI Plugin API, вы можете дополнить функционал этого софта с помощью плагинов.


Formcreator 2.8.1 is available to download. This version is compatible with GLPI 9.3 and is compatible with GLPI 9.4.

FormCreator plugin for GLPI is a plugin which allows to create custom forms of easy access and also one or more tickets or changes when the form is filled.

More about its features read in our blog post: https://glpi-project.org/formcreator-plugin-version-2-7-0-for-glpi/ 

Bug Fixes

  • filefield: fix bad value in generated targets
  • form_validator: import valodators from JSON
  • glpiselect: show user firstname and lastname
  • issue: mis ordered columns in resync
  • issue: resynchronization error
  • question_condition: inverted import condition
  • wizard: inconsistencies in counters

Please, download the update here: https://github.com/pluginsGLPI/formcreator/releases/tag/v2.8.1 

GLPI 9.4.2 & 9.3.4: bug fixes and security fixes.

After several weeks, Teclib’ is happy to announce the release of GLPI 9.4.2.

This release fix several security issues that has been recently discovered. Updating is strongly recommended.

You can download the GLPI 9.4.2 archive on GitHub: download

You’ll find below the changes of this bug fixes version:

  • Security: prevent external redirections
  • Fix some performances issues
  • Fix various issues on plugins loading (cache conflict, bad locales)
  • Fix display of documents in tickets
  • Fix display of user’s pictures
  • Fix lost of some relations and sql errors when transferring items
  • Feature: add Historical tab on config page

The full changelog is available as well as another one for more details.

Unusually, we also release a 9.3.4 version with security fixes previously applied in 9.4.1 and 9.4.2. You can download the archive for this release on Github.

We would like to thank all people who contributed to this new version and all those who contributes regularly to the GLPI project.

We would like to kindly remind that Support by Teclib´for GLPI is available.

Check the prices here: https://glpi-project.org/subscriptions/ 

Best regards.

2 new GLPI Network Partners in Brazil.

Teclib’ continues on expansion strategy in Brazil thanks to 2 partnerships with companies known for their IT expertise experience and excellent reputation. We are proud that GLPI ITSM solution is becoming more and more represented all over the world and GLPI Network (our new tool – your control tower for all your IT Infrastructure) subscription service will be available for more customers through our new partners.

Teclib is very happy to announce new companies, which have joined our partnership network:

GOLD level


“Oriontech is specialized in IT Service Management, Monitoring Systems and Analytics Tools. We have many experience in Consulting Services, System Integrations and Professional Services and use best practices to help organizations of any size improve their service management and service delivery capabilities by aligning, process, people and technology. Our services include IT and business processes design, implementation, support and training. We are passionate about making our customer’s project successful”.

Website: www.oriontech.com.br

SILVER level


“We are a Brazilian company, founded in 2001 in the capital of the state of Pernambuco, Recife.

Shaped with a goal of developing products, specialized in processes and services in the area of ​​Information Technology (IT), supporting companies of various sectors, including other IT companies, to achieve their strategic objectives and to improve their business by using their structure and investments more efficiently”.

Website: https://verdanatech.com

We are proud of our large partnership network and always open for new collaborations. If you are interested in representing one of our products in your country, get in touch with us: sales@teclib.com.

Being a partner means having an a direct access to the Teclib´s technical database, new releases, official support and many other tools which will help you to gain more customers and increase reputation on the market. Find out all benefits of being a partner sending us an email: sales@teclib.com.

Check the list of our partners: http://www.teclib-edition.com/en/partners/find-a-partner/ 

GLPI 9.4.1 est disponible.

Après plusieurs semaines de développement, Teclib’ a le plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie de GLPI version 9.4.1.

Cette version corrige plusieurs problèmes de sécurité qui ont été rapportés récemment. La mise à jour est fortement conseillée.

L’archive de GLPI version est disponible sur GitHub.

Vous remaquerez peut-être que la version affichée et celle de l’archive est ; c’est parce que nous avons décidé d’intégrer deux correctifs supplémentaires que nous avons trouvés après que la release ait été préparée.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous la liste des changements les plus importants de cette version corrective :

  • problème de balisage à l’affichage des listes déroulantes
  • Iframe et forms étaient affichés dans les contenus en texte riche
  • possible contournement du système d’authentification
  • meilleur contrôle du téléversement d’images
  • la date du jeton de mot de passe n’était pas réinitialisé
  • prevention des attaques sur le temps, renforcement de la sécurité du cookie
  • La recherche sur les listes déroulantes bénéficie désormais de la recherche approximative
  • Tous les composaants étaient supprimés lors de la purge d’un ordinateur
  • Impossible d’afficher les ports réseaux
  • Les préférences utilisateur n’étaient pas appliquées
  • Impossible d’utiliser la fonction “mot de passe perdu”
  • Et bien plus !

Voir le journal des changements complet pour plus de détails.

Nous remercions toutes les personnes qui ont contribué à cette nouvelle version et plus généralement toutes celles et ceux qui soutiennent régulièrement le projet GLPI.

Pour rappel, nous avons lancé le site web de services pour GLPI-Network.
Si vous avez besoin de support ou de services auprès de nos partenaires, consultez services.glpi-network.com.