Formcreator plugin version 2.8.0

This version is a bugfix of 2.7.0. One of those fixes required a bump to 2.8.0.

It is compatible with GLPI 9.3 and 9.4.

Bug Fixes: 

* checkboxesfield: handle case when one option is selected
* dropdownfield: bad entity restriction
* dropdownfield: bad subtree handling for ITIL category
* form: fix anonymous file upload
* form: import of entity and category
* formanswer: use of non-existent field for count
* glpiobject,dropdown: formanswer must display name, not the ID
* install: remove rename of the plugin from upgrade to 2.7
* install: rename of the plugin in 2.8, not 2.7
* issue: rebuild of issues table
* question,section: escaping bug on duplication
* questionrange,questionregex: bad var names
* section: escape questions to duplicate
* targetchange: add users from question of type actors
* targetchange: category not assigned
* wizard: compatibility across versions of the font awesome
* rename the plugin


* glpiselect: add Project in the supported list
* issue: add qtip for ticket types



FormCreator plugin version 2.7.0 for GLPI

FormCreator plugin for GLPI is a plugin which allows to create custom forms of easy access and also one or more tickets or changes when the form is filled. Today we are happy to announce the release of FormCreator plugin version 2.7.0.

If you have missed the previous article, here we put again the main features of this plugin:

  1. Direct access to forms self-service interface in main menu

  2. Highlighting forms in homepages

  3. Access to forms controlled: public access, identified user access, restricted access to some profiles

  4. Simple and customizable forms

  5. Forms organized by categories, entities and languages.

  6. Questions of any type of presentation: Textareas, lists, LDAP, files, etc.

  7. Questions organised in sections. Choice of the display order.

  8. Possibility to display a question based on certain criteria (response to a further question)

  9. A sharp control on responses from forms: text, numbers, size of fields, email, mandatory fields, regular expressions, etc.

  10. Creation of one or more tickets from form answers

  11. Adding a description per fields, per sections, per forms, entities or languages.

  12. Formatting the ticket set: answers to questions displayed, tickets templates.

  13. Preview form created directly in the configuration.

  14. An optional service catalog to browse for forms and FAQ in an unified interface.

You can download the new version here: 


GLPI 9.4 is here!

GLPI ITSM software version 9.4 is released!

Thanks all users who has downloaded and tested release candidates, helped us to find bugs, fix issues. Together we are creating better software to manage IT infrastructure easily.

Let´s have a look at the main features of GLPI 9.4:

Search engine: nested criteria.

GLPI ITSM nested criteria in search engine

The search engine available in all lists of items now allows to construct much complex queries.
A new group button is available to separate a set of criteria from other ones. You can set a different operator for the entire group.
The resulting query will be surrounded by parenthesis.

We also added some minor changes to this part:

  • A new type of search: notcontains.
  • Changes can now be filtered with global rules.
  • Review of the interface to make different actions clearer.

Note that your old saved searches (bookmarks) are still compatible with the new engine.

UX : Knowbase and FAQ.

Browse tab in knowbase

The Browse tab in the knowbase have been revamped.
A tree is now displayed for the categories and each shows a badge counting the number of articles associated to the category.

Timeline for Changes and Problems.

GLPI Timeline for Changes and Problems

Thanks to Curtis Conard, you can add followups to ITIL changes and problems and these object now have a timeline tab to regroup their followups, tasks, documents and solutions.

Followups split and Tickets merge.

Thanks to Curtis Conard, tickets now have 2 new actions:

  • Split a followup: create a new ticket copying a followup (a link is kept in the old ticket)

split a followup button

  • Merge a ticket as a new followup in an existing ticket with massive actions option.

merge a ticket massive action


Assets rules engine.

Assets rules engine UI

In this release, we provide a new rules engine to automatically update some fields when an asset is created or updated.
For example, you can assign a specific technician when a computer become a part of an entity.

Centralized command line tool.

centralized console for cli commands

The scripts folder provided in GLPI archives had a lot of scattered files. With this release, we started a console (available by the php bin/console command, see documentation)
centralizing old scripts. Not all scripts have been migrated but we will do the work step by step in futures releases.


  • Lock of user personalization tab.
  • New action in business rules for tickets targeting the completename field (before, you can only target the short name of categories).
  • New device type for assets: Modem.
  • CAS 3 authentication support.
  • Rich text option deleted (GLPI is now only in rich text in ITIL objects).
  • A new field in user form: responsible (you can sync it with ldap server).

Under the hood.

We are working hard to have GLPI more stable and reliable.
Here is list of topics we did in this release :

  • Code coverage for unit testing, since 9.2 with the addition of unit tests, we progress on the coverage of all source code.
  • SQL Iterator, an old topic, GLPI framework provides a class to abstract SQL query generation. We replaced a lot of raw MySQL queries recently. The final goal is to permit the usage of others SQL engines (like Postgres). It’s not here actually, but we are on the road to do it.
  • SCSS is now the official GLPI format for stylesheets. We have an automatic compiler for developers (use it, it’s css with superpowers) and also for plugins.
  • Session as cache, like we did on 9.3, we store more and more in cache to provide you a speedy ITSM tool.


Download: on GitHub.

FormCreator plugin for GLPI

Meet FormCreator plugin for GLPI – a plugin which allows creation of custom forms of easy access. At the same time, this plugin allows the creation of one or more tickets or changes when the form is filled.

Main features:

  1. Direct access to forms self-service interface in main menu
  2. Highlighting forms in homepages
  3. Access to forms controlled: public access, identified user access, restricted access to some profiles
  4. Simple and customizable forms
  5. Forms organized by categories, entities and languages.
  6. Questions of any type of presentation: Textareas, lists, LDAP, files, etc.
  7. Questions organised in sections. Choice of the display order.
  8. Possibility to display a question based on certain criteria (response to a further question)
  9. A sharp control on responses from forms: text, numbers, size of fields, email, mandatory fields, regular expressions, etc.
  10. Creation of one or more tickets from form answers
  11. Adding a description per fields, per sections, per forms, entities or languages.
  12. Formatting the ticket set: answers to questions displayed, tickets templates.
  13. Preview form created directly in the configuration.
  14. An optional service catalog to browse for forms and FAQ in an unified interface

We have just released version 2.7.0-beta.3

Please, download it here:

and report us the issues you encounter on the bug tracker.

Thank you for your help!


Release candidate for GLPI 9.4

Some weeks ago, we released a beta version for GLPI 9.4. Many of you have tested it and reported some issues in this previous version, and we thank you for these reports.

Today, we release a new release candidate archive with a lot of additional fixes for the future version of GLPI 9.4.

Consult the full changelog for a more complete list.

How you can help us ?

Download the RC archive, test the migration and the new features (you may also test the existing ones) and report us the issues you encounter on the bug tracker (tag it as ).

Translators, please add the missing sentences for your language on transifex.

First look at GLPI 9.4

In some weeks, we will launch the new major version of GLPI: 9.4.
A lot of new features will be launch, here is a short list:

  • a rework of search engine with nested criteria
  • a new user experience for Knowbase
  • Timeline become available for changes and problems
  • drop old tabs (documents, tasks, followups) and keep only timeline on tickets
  • a centralized command line console (see updated documentation)
  • a new rule engine for assets
  • rich text always on (configuration paramater has been dropped)
  • lockable personalization tab on profile

Consult the full changelog for a more complete list.

Today, we release a beta archive of GLPI 9.4 for this future version.

How you can help us ?

Download the beta archive of GLPI 9.4, test the migration and the new features (you may also test the existing ones) and report us the issues you encounter on the bug tracker (tag it as ).

Translators, push missing sentences for your language on transifex.