Streamlining Asset Management: automating transfers in GLPI

In the dynamic world of IT asset management, maintaining accurate and efficient control over asset allocation is crucial. GLPI, an open-source IT Asset Management system, provides a powerful and comprehensive solution to manage a vast array of assets. From hardware to software inventories to networking equipment.

When looking for efficiency, an effortless and reliable asset management process is crucial for maintaining operational data up-to date, laying the foundation for strategic planning.

The Challenge of Manual Asset Transfers

Manual asset transfers and update are one of the most faced challenges within an organization that starts the CMDB processes. The process, inherently prone to human error, can lead to inaccuracies in data, misallocations, and administrative overhead. It means costs and less perception of value to the company. Not to mention the time consumed from the people responsible to assure the inventory is correctly updated.

Automating Asset Transfers with GLPI

Automating asset transfer in GLPI not only saves time but also ensures a more efficient and error-free management process. By leveraging business rules, you can ensure that computers, software licenses, and monitors are always optimally allocated, improving overall productivity and resource utilization.

Benefits and Best Practices for Automated Asset Management

  • Choosing the correct criteria
    • Name – beginning, ending
    • IP – ranges, or fixed ones
    • Serial number – if it’s a lot
    • Inventory numbers
    • GLPI Inventory Agent tags
  • Standardize those rules in real life decisions
    • Make operations team understand that naming devices, VLAN, selecting IP addresses, impact directly into the documentation scenario.
    • Create documents to let everyone knows the new standards and the why’s.
  • Keep records of every asset and where they are in the organization.

Extra resources

05:50 – Remote Inventory Toolbox video card –


GLPI Rules –

GLPI Agent Toolbox –

What’s the difference between GLPI Inventory, the plugin and the toolbox –


00:00 – Why and when should I transfer assets between entities on GLPI?

01:30 – Manual transferring of assets between entities

02:47 – Rules for assigning an item to an entity

05:44 – Automatic transferring of assets between entities

07:34 – Extra tips for asset management

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GLPI Release 10.0.14

A new GLPI version is available.

Due to a few regressions in the last (10.0.13), an early release is available.

You can download the GLPI 10.0.14 archive on GitHub.

Here is the list of corrections made in this version:

  • Fix assign field when suppliers assign is available
  • Switching entities issues


Unlocking the Power of Impact Analysis with GLPI

Every service change or incident may cause disruptions in organizations, and understanding the ripple effects of these possibilities is crucial for maintaining stability, efficiency, and continuity.

Impact analysis emerges as a pivotal process, enabling organizations to foresee and mitigate potential interferences. A comprehensive ITSM tool with the possibility to visualize and manage effectively the impact analysis is key for a compliance team.

Understanding Impact Analysis

Impact analysis is a critical ITSM process aimed at identifying the potential consequences of proposed changes or unforeseen incidents on business operations and IT services. It involves assessing the severity, extent, and repercussions of these changes or incidents, helping organizations prioritize actions and allocate resources efficiently. By conducting thorough impact analysis, businesses can ensure that their IT infrastructure remains resilient, responsive, and aligned with their strategic objectives.

GLPI as an open-source software tool designed for inventory management, issue tracking, and comprehensive Information Technology Service Management, provides a robust platform to manage assets from small to huge companies, including hardware, software, networking equipment, and devices of all kinds, facilitating the correlation between incidents, problems and change management processes.

Leveraging GLPI for Impact Analysis

GLPI’s asset management functionality serves as a foundation for effective impact analysis. After a detailed inventory of IT and non-IT assets is performed, GLPI allows organizations to map out the interdependencies between assets.

This visibility is important and crucial, not just to understand how far an incident can go, but also to assess how a service change, or problem can affect the whole company and services, for example.

Using GLPI, companies are able to:

  • Collect, comprehend maintain the asset inventory;
  • Map out their interdependency and;
  • Keep historical data on asset performance and incidents.

The incident management capabilities of GLPI enable organizations to log, track, and manage incidents efficiently. After the inventory collecting and data updating, analysts may create the dependencies between the assets and make sure everyone knows which assets may be affected when an incident occurs to one of these assets.

Furthermore, when discussing incident management and its impact on environments, IT teams should never forget about changes that usually need to be made in networking and servers. Every system that needs a new feature, workflow or upgrade, for example, can bring positive or negative impact for the running state of a company, so impact analysis is not just useful for incidents. But also for change management.

Change management is also a crucial process for planning and implementing changes systematically. Any company that aims to ensure that changes are being made with a clear understanding of risks and advantages must have documentation of proposed changes, scopes, potential impacts, checklists, and roll-back plans.

GLPI Asset management and Change Management modules, alongside Impact Analysis feature may deliver tools for small or big teams to create committees and discuss actions with clear information about expected positive and negative impacts

Imagine a scenario where the Rack 1 is down due to any reason — let’s say the uplink from Switch A3 and Rack 1 is down.

Any technical analyst knowing the team is working to make sure this uplink is reestablished as soon as possible may have the information that any user reporting incidents directed to any of the services hosted on SRV-GLPI will have the same ‘root cause’ — Rack 1 and Switch A3 uplink down.

  • The red arrow, by the perspective of the Rack 1, tells the team that any issue or change — yes, changes too — may impact SRV-GLPI;
  • By the perspective of the Rack 1, tells the team that any issue or change on any of the assets connected to it through a blue arrow may impact Rack 1 and the services that depends on the Rack 1;
  • The black arrows mean that, by the perspective of the Rack 1, none of those assets should suffer or cause impact for Rack 1 or its services.

And when I talk about perspectives, look at the image above:

When we look at the same topology from the perspective of the Router EDGE-51, any incident or change on any of the Routers will have impact at the whole network. But not just the network, but also on the Router EDGE-51 (slave). These two are dependent on each other. It does not mean that if one fails, the other will fail too.

The purple arrows mean that they are dependent on each other and that they would both be affected if one of them were to encounter a problem. They are therefore both dependent and impacted.

You can find more documentation here.

Best Practices for Impact Analysis with GLPI

To maximize the benefits of GLPI for impact analysis, consider the following best practices:

  1. Maintain an Up-to-Date Inventory: Ensure that all assets are accurately cataloged in GLPI, with up-to-date information on their configurations, dependencies, and historical performance.
  2. Integrate ITSM Processes: Leverage GLPI’s ITSM capabilities to manage incidents, problems, and changes comprehensively. This integration provides a holistic view of the IT environment and its dynamics.
  3. Customize According to Needs: Tailor GLPI’s settings and workflows to fit your organization’s specific requirements for impact analysis. Custom fields, severity levels, and reports can enhance the relevance and effectiveness of the tool.
  4. Train Your Team: Ensure that your IT and business teams are well-versed in using GLPI for impact analysis. Regular training sessions can help maximize the tool’s utility and ensure effective adoption.

Impact analysis is essential for navigating the complexities of modern environments. By leveraging GLPI, organizations can gain a comprehensive understanding of the potential impacts of changes and incidents on their operations. This insight tool enables informed decision-making, efficient resource allocation, and enhanced service resilience. As GLPI continues to evolve, its role in facilitating it.


Impact Analysis on FAQ

New Silver partner: Famytec Solutions

Congratulations ! We are happy to announce our new Silver GLPI Network partner in Spain: Famytec Solutions.

The services offered by Famytec Solutions are:
  • IT services;
  • Infrastructure and cybersecurity;
  • Training.


We are excited that GLPI ITSM solution is becoming more and more represented all over the world and GLPI Network (our support offer for on-premises – get your IT Infrastructure secured) subscription service will be available for more customers through our new partners.

Our large partnership network is always open for new collaborations. If you are interested in representing one of our products in your country, get in touch with us:

Being a partner means:

  • Having an a direct access to the Teclib´s tech expertise;
  • Get special discounts;
  • Access official support,
  • Many other tools which will help you to gain more customers and increase reputation on the market by adding open source ITSM to your portfolio.

Discover all benefits of being a partner here:

How to Install GLPI on Ubuntu?

We’re excited to announce the release of our latest video tutorial showcasing the installation of GLPI 10 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS!

This tutorial aims to simplify the installation process for users looking to deploy GLPI on their on-premises Ubuntu servers.

In this video, we provide a comprehensive guide on setting up GLPI, covering each step from preparing your Ubuntu environment to configuring the software via its web interface. Whether you’re a seasoned IT professional or just starting with GLPI, our tutorial offers valuable insights and best practices to ensure a smooth installation process.

To complement the video tutorial, we’ve compiled a detailed written guide with step-by-step instructions available on our new FAQ page. You can find the instructions referenced in the video below, enabling you to reproduce the installation steps at your own pace.

We believe this content will be immensely beneficial to the GLPI community and anyone interested in implementing a robust IT service management solution. Stay tuned for more tutorials and insights on optimizing your IT infrastructure with GLPI and subscribe to our YouTube Channel

Watch the GLPI 10 Installation Video Tutorial Now!

Happy installing!

Useful links: