Formcreator 2.13.7

This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.


⚠️ This release requires some bugfixes in GLPI to work properly. These bugfixes are included in GLPI 10.0.9 or later. Please, ensure your GLPI is up to date to prevent useless bug reports.


Bug Fixes


  • Adding READ right for display reservations menu tab (03e6281e)
  • bad lcoale in en_US (db9986f1)
  • resize dashboard to match GLPI’s core (#3306) (9272cda3)
  • TargetChange: use RichText instead of plaintext (8845b888)
  • checkboxesfield,radiosfield,selectfield: add missing error messages (66585193)
  • datefield, datetimefield: comparison against empty string (be4831c7)
  • dropdownfield: SQL error for GLPI objects / tickets and some specific rights (2539e366)
  • dropdownfield: handle specific case with Entity itemtype (bd25e7d1)
  • dropdownfield: missing entity restriction setting (54543cb3)
  • dropdownfield: prevent language switching and log error (49f8fc07)
  • fieldsfield: restore mandatory field as read only (52a9fc2b)
  • form,category: obey show count on tabs parameter (f4ebf9e5)
  • form_language: obey show counter in tab setting (9dfc3b8d)
  • formanswer: php warning (ce078990)
  • formanswer: prevent silent rejection of answers (d630302d)
  • formanswer: redirect to login if session expired (eb0acb65)
  • glpiselectfield: fix namespace (#3287) (613e0fad)
  • install: missing row in sql query, causing PHP warning (0c47776a)
  • issue: php warnings when anonymisation enabled (f6f01d7d)
  • issue: prevent fatal error in tooltip (3419affc)
  • question,section: duplicate a question or section must duplicate inner conditions (22597832)
  • section: cannot rename section twice (7bbb9b81)
  • section: condition rule loss after duplicate / import (883a1227)
  • section: duplicate form may lead to bad question id in condition (a6f9c41c)
  • section: rename section impacts display of inner questions (c4277d8c)
  • selectfield,multiselectfield: fix possible encoding problem (8aaec8ac)
  • targetchange,targetproblem: folow method call signature for fields plugin (016696ab)
  • textfield: Unescaped HTML when displaying a form answer (6ce71f95)
  • textfield: exception while displaying counters (0a857d7f)
  • textfield: target ticket title need html encoding (1b71d652)


Full changelog and downloadclick here

GLPI 10.0.7 is available!

New version GLPI 10.0.7: A new GLPI version is available.

This release fixes several security issues that have been recently discovered. Update is recommended!

You can download the GLPI 10.0.7 archive on GitHub.
We still maintain maintain the 9.5 branch for security fixes and we also release a new version for it: GLPI 9.5.13 archive

You will find below the list of security issues fixed in this bugfixes version:

  • SQL injection and Stored XSS via inventory agent request (CVE-2023-28849).
  • Account takeover by authenticated user (CVE-2023-28632).
  • SQL injection through dynamic reports (CVE-2023-28838).
  • Stored XSS through dashboard administration (CVE-2023-28852).
  • Stored XSS on external links (CVE-2023-28636).
  • Reflected XSS in search pages (CVE-2023-28639).
  • Privilege Escalation from technician to super-admin (CVE-2023-28634).
  • Blind Server-Side Request Forgery (SSRF) in RSS feeds (CVE-2023-28633).

Also, here is a short list of main changes done in this version:

  • Optional GLPI router to be able to use a safer web server root directory.
  • Support of SMTP OAuth authentication.
  • Improved inventory file upload feature.
  • Many fixes and improvements on native inventory.
  • Some bugs on PHP 8.2.
  • Caching issues on entities.
  • Boolean FullText operator not working on knowledge base search.
  • Unexpected search results when using negative condition on ticket actors.
  • Issues with LDAP filters/DN.
  • Unexpected results when searching on knowledge base categories.

The full changelog is available for more details.

We would like to thank all people who contributed to this new version and all those who contributes regularly to the GLPI project!

Download GLPI now:


GLPI 9.5.x will be discontinued

Dear GLPI Community!

We would like to announce that official support for GLPI 9.5.x will be discontinued on 30.06.2023. Starting from the 1st of July 2023 (3 years after the first launch of this version) we will have to say goodbye –  there will be no new releases 9.5.x.

It is mandatory to migrate to GLPI 10.0.x in order to be covered by official support. 


—OPTION 1: You can do the migration via official partners-integrators (if you have a valid GLPI Network Subscription); or

—OPTION 2: If you choose GLPI Network Cloud, we offer a free data migration from on-premise for everyone.

We ask you to communicate the upcoming changes to your customers and finish migrations before 30.06.2023. 

Thank you! 

New Formcreator 2.13.4 is available!

This version is compatible with GLPI 10.0.

Upgrade from 2.13.0 or later

A database sanity check is done before running the upgrade. If the tables of the plugin have a difference with the expected schema the upgrade will fail with a message similar to the following:

The database schema is not consistent with the installed Formcreator 2.13.0. 
To see the logs enable the plugin and run the command bin/console glpi:database:check_schema_integrity -p formcreator

It is required to fix the database, using the diff produced by the CLI command given in the message. Once done, try again to upgrade.

ℹ️ If you know what you are doing you may bypass the sanity check from CLI with the following command.

bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -f -p skip-db-check

Bug Fixes

  • handle undefined setting for service catalog homepage (411ae3597)
  • typo in french locale (f61ded17a)
  • abstractitiltarget: multiple tag questions set but not displayed in designer (90f2a95d8)
  • checkboxesfield,multiselectfield: default value not displayed (8f36ab726)
  • composite: ignore link to non existing ticket (8502d4b16)
  • condition: allow longer texts (eecdf8a2a)
  • condition: display of tested question shows wrong item (5d34da8b4)
  • condition: width of question dropdown (ce0389efd)
  • dropdownfield: empty SQL IN statement when restricted tickets rights (5c5244a85)
  • form: image upload handling in header field (5dc66a5ef)
  • formanswer: default search filter hides legit access (2dc9f8e3f)
  • formanswer: malformed search option (5339b7912)
  • formanswer: missing newline between sections of fullform tag (61122bc93)
  • formanswer: temporary disable debug mode (e9e8da484)
  • formanswer, textfield, textareafield: escaping (3e0666d4d)
  • glpiselectfield: cannot set empty value by default for entity question (fe2130bbe)
  • glpiselectfield: restore entity restriction for users (e525b3a82)
  • helpdesk: better handling of users that can’t see tickets (a93f03126)
  • install: add empty schema for new version (817a9ec7e)
  • install: resync not needed in upgrade to 2.13.4 (d66a12017)
  • install: typo in method name (eac5d77ac)
  • issue: follow entity change on ticket transfer (434bd3572)
  • issues: Tooltip consistency with core (c45d21550)
  • question: subtype plural and appliance in bad group (1f780370a)
  • tagfield: php warning (cc4b673a8)
  • targetticket: allow more itemtypes to associated elements (#3155) (cee504c24)
  • textfield: useless HTML entity encode (c3d03b51e)


  • drop support for GLPI 10.1 (a99a8bcb2)
  • dropdownfield: always show ticket id (0190adac9)
  • issue: access tickets from service catalog (a6b4f19d0)
  • question: add support for database sub itemtype (45126012d)
  • wizard: selectable home page in service catalog (95103fe54)

Discover new interface of GLPI 10!

In a few weeks we will launch the first beta version of GLPI 10.
We are working on the last technical elements and preparing the release of compatible plugins on the Marketplace.

One of the biggest news of this version is a major overhaul of the interface and the user experience. The latest redesign since version 0.90 was done in October 2015.

Based on tabler, Bootstrap 5 and Twig, it brings many visual changes.

The integration of these standard libraries will make it easier to develop new interfaces and above all brings a “responsive” display mode that is easier to maintain.

Here are some screenshots to give you an overview of the upcoming changes.

Ecran de login
Liste des ordinateurs
Vue responsive

Beyond the change in design, we are making a number of user experience improvements, here is the list of key points:

Vertical menu

As you have noticed on the previous screenshots, GLPI now offers by default a layout with a vertical menu. It is still possible to switch to a layout similar to previous versions (named Horizontal) in user settings.

Disposition principale de GLPI

In the new layout it is possible to collapse the menu to have a compact display.

Button “Go to…”

Available since version 9.2 the “Go to” feature which allows a quick search of a menu is now highlighted and can be discovered on top of the menu.

Menu Goto

The park equipment now has a panel on their right side where you can click on the images attached.

“Saved search” panel

The “saved search” panel now integrated into GLPI design.
You can set it floating, or pinned to pages (to be kept permanently (even after browsing)).

Pinning is done page by page, e.g. a panel pinned to “tickets” will not be pinned to computers.

Note that now you can find it in the first tab, the saved searches corresponding to the type of object: list of tickets will be displayed according to priority of saved searches.

Second tab lists all other searches concerning other types of objects.

As the panel is now contextual to the type of object presented, you can access it via an icon named “Lists” placed next to the breadcrumb trail.

Recherches sauvegardées

Invisible search engine

It is now possible to deactivate the display of the search engine.

You can navigate in GLPI only using saved searches!

Dynamic loading of search results

The search engine display is now launched in “AJAX” mode. A loading icon is displayed when a search is launched, page changes or sorting is in process. Once new results are available, only the content is replaced and not the entire page.

Multi-sorting of results

With a “ctrl” you can add several sorting modes to the columns of your search results.

Example: sort by “Name” and by “Modification date”.

Tri multiple

Page of park elements.

The main element form now displays a panel on the right displaying the images associated with the corresponding model.
These images could be previously accessed only in the display part of data center racks, now they are available everywhere.

fiche d'un ordinateur

Redesign of ITIL objects

Display and use of ITIL objects (Tickets, Problems and Changes) are thoroughly reviewed.

Refonte des objets ITIL

Many changes were made:

  • The order of messages in the “timeline” now goes from the oldest to the most recent, starting from top to bottom, following a usual reading order. New answer now placed below the last one.
  • A side panel contains the additional information of tickets (dates, priority matrix, actors, etc.). This panel can be temporarily enlarged. We also group by these changes the main tabs and “timeline” within the same view.
taille du panneau droit des tickets
  • Documents added to the timeline are now displayed below the parent object (tracker, task) in a contextual way for easier reading.
documents dans leur contexte
  • Each of the types of actors (requesters, observer and assigned) are now displayed in a single field. Previously, several clicks were required to select a group or a user and then choose the final actor. It is now a single drop-down list unifying all possible objects (differentiating them with an icon) and providing autocompletion.
champ acteur
  • A button at the bottom of the main view allows you to switch to a “TODO list” view displaying the tasks and validation requests in an interactive vertical list, allowing you to follow the progress of a ticket (or another ITIL object)

New colors

With the arrival of new libraries tabler and Bootstrap 5, it is now much easier to create and modify GLPI palletes.

Here is an example of one corresponding to the capture below:

2 new dark palettes:

  • Auror dark palette Auror dark
  • Midnight palette Midnight