Success story: Ddosoft


Meet Ali Burak, the co-founder of DDOSOFT, a dynamic software development company. Ali’s journey with GLPI began a couple of years ago when his team was facing the challenge of expensive agents in their ticket management software, Jira. Seeking an open source solution, Ali discovered GLPI while browsing the internet:

ddosoft success story

Ali’s Journey with GLPI: Streamlining Business with Open Source

It was a couple of years ago. I was working with the Jira software and the agents were getting expensive, so we were looking for an open source solution. I came across GLPI on the internet. I think the first version I tried was 9.3.”

At DDOSOFT, they opted to use GLPI on-premise, managing it through their own virtual data center where they’ve set up Linux and Windows servers. For their business, Asset Management and Assistance features proved to be crucial:

“When I was looking for a ticket management software, I saw GLPI that apart from being a ticket management software could also take care of the assets and assistance. So I said “let’s give it a try”. And, I have installed it and am still using it. We have seen the effects both in Asset management and Assistance. We are now aware of how many devices we actually have in real numbers, and can monitor if something is installed on the computer or if any assets appear. And for Assistance, we have lots of phone calls and now we have control over them. We have a history of what we have done and a knowledge base that we have created to use it if we came across similar issues”.

Ali explains that initially, they were seeking a ticket management software, but GLPI’s versatility caught their attention. Not only could it handle tickets efficiently, but it also provided a robust system for asset management and assistance. Intrigued, they decided to give it a try, and the decision paid off. With GLPI, they gained better visibility into their actual device count and could easily track software installations or changes in assets.


Assistance also saw a major boost. DDOSOFT now had a structured approach to handling phone calls and queries. With a well-organized history of actions and a growing knowledge base, they efficiently tackled similar issues that cropped up over time.


One of their favorite GLPI plugins is the inventory plugin, particularly useful due to their extensive inventory of devices like tablets, computers, and networking equipment. The plugin helps them maintain a clear picture of software installations and device counts across their infrastructure.


When asked about the best GLPI feature, Ali highlights Assistance and Helpdesk, citing their ticket and document management capabilities as game-changers. He appreciates the user-friendly interface of the software’s newer version, emphasizing its enhanced responsiveness and ease of use.


For Ali, the open source nature of GLPI and the strong community support it enjoys are crucial factors. In an industry where pricing matters, having a trustworthy open source community backing the software is invaluable. Ali and his team were able to leverage their technical expertise to install and use GLPI on-premise with confidence:

“Yes, because for companies price is a very important thing. But the most important thing is the open source community. We can trust it. Actually, in commercial versions of some softwares I cannot trust. We had the technical knowledge so we could easily install it and use it on premise”.

Summing up his experience with GLPI, Ali underscores its substantial impact on their business organization. From version nine to the present, GLPI’s Assistant and Asset Management modules have played a pivotal role in helping them maintain order and stay on top of their assets. In Ali’s own words, GLPI has significantly contributed to the improvement of their business operations.

                      How can you try GLPI?

If you have not tried GLPI yet, you can start a free 45 day trial on GLPI Network Cloud (no credit card needed!): 

If you want to download GLPI on-premise and need assistance, our partners-integrators can support you (you will need to have a valid GLPI Network Subscription). 

Do you use GLPI and want to share your experience?

We are proud to state that our solution is used by millions of people worldwide. If you are one of them and you want to contribute the promotion, we invite you to leave your contact details.

We will be delighted to hear your story!

Success Story: SP ZOZ Specialist Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Głuchołazy st. Jana Pawła II

SP ZOZ Specialist Hospital of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Głuchołazy st. Jana Pawła II   

Interview with Slawomir Szmulik, IT department manager, enthusiast of open source technology and GLPI user for many years.

About the hospital.

Slawomir Szmulik: “It is a modern, specialized and well-equipped medical center with diagnostic and rehabilitation facilities. Provides services under contract with the National Health Fund. The current position of the Hospital in the medical services market is the result of several decades of experience in carrying out activities in the field of treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of respiratory diseases as well as rehabilitation and prevention of cardiovascular diseases. At the beginning of its existence, just after World War II, the facility was a sanatorium that joined the fight against the tuberculosis epidemic.”

1. How did you hear about GLPI?

Slawomir Szmulik: “For me, it was love at first click. When I first discovered the tool, I had one major requirement for software: it must automatically search for all online assets and attempt to add them to the database. The paid software I was using at the time required manual input for each asset, including hardware, hard disks, and CPUs. I had to enter about 30 computers by hand for a small company!

With GLPI and an inventory plugin, I was able to complete the process in just two days instead of several months, which was a significant win. Furthermore, GLPI has low system requirements, allowing installation on almost any device and remote access from any computer.

In every company I have worked for, my first task is to search for an IT inventory. In 99% of cases, the answer is “no.” So, I grab a spare computer and install GLPI. Within a month or two, I can see the real inventory of all the assets I need to control.”


2. How was the switch to GLPI?

Slawomir Szmulik: “Switching from a familiar software is never easy, but making the choice is necessary. The paid software I used had limitations, such as a licence model that allowed only two concurrent users.

GLPI doesn’t have such limitations. There are no user or asset restrictions, but we faced another challenge: managing documents like invoices, contracts, and other IT and non-IT assets.

In my opinion, one of GLPI’s greatest strengths is its versatility, making it useful not only for IT departments.”


3. How is your current GLPI Infrastructure?

Slawomir Szmulik: “We currently use version 9.5 and are preparing to upgrade to version 10. Our inventory includes about 200 active computers, 100 computers awaiting disposal, 20 printers, 160 suppliers, over 500 documents (half of which are contracts), and more than 100 network devices, such as switches and PDAs.

Our hospital is relatively small, but GLPI’s scalability is impressive. We run it on a small virtual server without affecting functionality or speed, and scaling up presents no issues.”


4. What is your personal favourite feature of GLPI?

Slawomir Szmulik: “Managing documents: Thanks to GLPI plugins, we can manage our documents in the e-space, even if they must be in paper form according to Polish regulations.

Inventory of hospital equipment: Polish rules require a “passport” for each inventory unit, including contracts and regular service maintenance. GLPI helps us manage this information, even for equipment without network connections.

One of GLPI’s best features is its accessibility to all staff members. I can create profiles for administrative staff to manage contracts, or set rules to allow certain users to view but not manage specific assets.

GLPI makes it easy to manage not only network security, but also contracts, suppliers, and other related data.”.


5. What are the best things about GLPI?

Slawomir Szmulik: “GLPI is 100% free open source software, with professional support options and GLPI Network Cloud platform available. Its versatility makes it suitable not only for IT departments but also for various roles in companies and public institutions. With GLPI, everything is connected, from suppliers and contracts to assets and contacts.

My message to future users is to give GLPI a try. Explore its capabilities and see how it can benefit your organization. It is a flexible and powerful solution that can make IT management more efficient and accessible.” .


                      How can you try GLPI? 


If you have not tried GLPI yet, you can start a free 45 day trial on GLPI Network Cloud (no credit card needed!): 

If you want to download GLPI on-premise and need assistance, our partners-integrators can support you (you will need to have a valid GLPI Network Subscription). 


Do you use GLPI and want to share your experience?

We are proud to state that our solution is used by millions of people worldwide. If you are one of them and you want to contribute the promotion, we invite you to leave your contact details.

We will be delighted to hear your story!