Formcreator 2.13.0-rc.1

This version is compatible with GLPI 10 only, and is a Release candidate version. Use it only for testing and bug report purpose.

Starting from this version, tags format will change. Previous tags were prefixed with v. This prefix is dropped. See #2376

Upgrade from a previous 2.13.0-Alpha or Beta version
⚠️ The following steps are necessary only when upgrading from a previous development, alpha or beta version. When upgrading from a old release to 2.13.0, you shall not do them.

1 removing the mini_dashboard for Formcreator (counters)
The counters has been changed. You must delete the mini dashboard installed by previous alpha versions of Formcreator. If you’re upgrading from 2.13.0-beta.1 you may skip this step.

Execute the following SQL requests:

FROM glpi_dashboards_items
WHERE dashboards_dashboards_id = (
FROM glpi_dashboards_dashboards
WHERE key=‘plugin_formcreator_issue_counters’

DELETE FROM glpi_dashboards_dashboards WHERE key=‘plugin_formcreator_issue_counters’;
then proceed with the next step (forced upgrade). It will build the new version of the mini dashboard. If you miss this step, the previous dashboard will show empty cards. see #2727

2 Forced upgrade
If you want to upgrade from an older 2.13.0-alpha or 2.13.0-beta version, you should do a forced upgtrade from command line. It will run the upgtrade from the previous minor version (2.12.0) to the current version, update the possible differences of schema in the tables of the plugin. Run the following in CLI : php bin/console glpi:plugin:install formcreator -u glpi -f -p force-upgrade This command exists specifically for development purpose or for active testers.

Rename of anonymous forms to public forms
Some users of the plugin have been confused with the anonymous forms. Anonymous form are not a way to create tickets preventing technicians to identify requesters or authors. They are accessible by users without being logged in GLPI. Because of this confusion, anonymous forms are renamed public forms.

Help / Contribution needed
Locales updates: Some languages don’t have maintainer, or are late (many untranslated content). Please contribute on Transifex.
documentation review and updates

Check the changelog & download

GLPI 10.0.1

Here is the first bugfixes release for GLPI 10.
You can download the archive on GitHub.

A lot of issues have been fixed since the first GLPI 10 version.
Below you will find a short list of key points of this release:

  • Several fixes on inventory rules
  • Several fixes for reservation feature
  • Fix status change in assistance objects when modifying actors
  • Fix preselection as requester in assistance object
  • Add global locks management for inventory
  • Re-implementation of the document addition action in assistance object
  • Impersonate feature now displays hints if unavailable
  • Updates with GLPI console can now check integrity of the database
  • The GANTT feature has been moved to a plugin
  • The GLPI licence has been moved to GPLv3+

The full changelog is available for more details.

We would like to thank all people who contributed to this new version and all those who contribute regularly to the GLPI project!


New Platinum Partner: ITSM Factory

We are very proud to announce that our partner ITSM Factory has become Platinum! At Teclib we are looking forward to continue the collaboration on this new level.

ITSM Factory supports customers in their process of continuous improvement of the quality of their services while respecting their business and regulatory constraints.

ITSM Factory’s experts master the standards of good practice such as ITIL and the standards applicable to IT (ISO 20000, 27001, etc.). They manage to simplify daily management of customer’s IT services.

Our GLPI consultants offer support at each stage of the project; from auditing to training users while going through integration and specific development.

Their expertises are:

  • IT Process;
  • Good practices;
  • Safety and regulations.


We are excited that GLPI ITSM solution is becoming more and more represented all over the world and GLPI Network (our support offer for on-premises – get your IT Infrastructure secured) subscription service will be available for more customers through our new partners.

Our large partnership network is always open for new collaborations. If you are interested in representing one of our products in your country, get in touch with us:

Being a partner means:

  • Having an a direct access to the Teclib´s tech expertise;
  • Get special discounts;
  • Access official support,
  • Many other tools which will help you to gain more customers and increase reputation on the market by adding open source ITSM to your portfolio.

Discover all benefits of being a partner here:

GLPI Network Cloud

What is GLPI cloud?

GLPI Network Cloud is a world-loved open source IT service management software offered as a SaaS. With GLPI on Cloud you can:

  • Plan and manage Helpdesk (tickets/problems/changes),
  • Track assets with native inventory;
  • Keep control of your finance and projects;
  • Manage users and Knowledge Base; etc.

Our hosting service allows you to use the application anywhere: at any time and from any device.

In addition to that, it is hosted by Europe’s leading web hosting providers (OVH), so your data is safe and backed up every day.

New version updates are also included, upon request in your customer area.

Technical support can be requested through a dedicated tool in your customer area.

What can you do on GLPI Network Cloud?

  • Manage Helpdesk: Organize your support easily with GLPI: manage incidents/requests, create forms, define SLAs, deliver the best experience to your customers.
  • Run inventory: Manage hardware, software and data centers. Link Asset inventory to Helpdesk and get 360° control of your IT and business infrastructure.
  • Manage users: Take control over users: define entities, create profiles and restrict access to information. With GLPI rules you can define roles of each member of directory and setup workflow for Helpdesk and Inventory.
  • Track finances: Discover the full potential of GLPI: track your expenses, contracts and suppliers, create new inventory objects, manage user database and make reports. Check the complete features description to learn more.
  • Customize GLPI: Explore setup features to add logo of your brands, select the palette of colors and configure plugins. In this section you can also manage SLAs and notifications.

For who is our offer?

GLPI Network Cloud is a perfect solution for the company of any size. Unlike many ITSM software programs on the market, we do not sell the modules separately, so you can enjoy all-in-one platform for single price.

GLPI is a popular choice among retail, public, educational, manufacturing and services companies in all over the world.

On top of everything we offer the complete freedom in terms of payment: you can manage the number of users any time (decrease or increase) with no permanency obligation.

What services are included?

In the version on cLoud, backups, updates, free data migration, support L.3 unlimited are all included, unlike GLPI on-premise.

Here you can check the differences between Public Cloud, Private Basic and Private Advanced.

What plugins are included?

One of the advantages of GLPI Network Cloud is that you can try & use all exclusive plugins. Check the full list on the website:

Ready to try? Learn how to create an account

To create an account and enjoy GLPI Network Cloud:

  1. Enter to :
  2. Then click in “Test it for 45 days for free.”
  3. You will be taken to this website:
  4. Complete the form with your personal data.
  5. Click in “Sign me up”.
  6. Done! You now have a free 45-day access to the GLPI cloud platform.
  7. After this trial, you can continue to use it by saving your payment information.

New Silver Partner in New Caledonia: Ikigai

We are happy to announce our new silver partner in New Caledonia – Ikigai.

Ikigai’s purpose is to support organizations in their development by building and maintaining a healthy
and stable environment in accordance with your needs and expectations.

They propose pragmatic and realistic solutions (organizational, technical) consistent
with the size of the organization, its context and its challenges.

Their experts have been integrating and operating the ITSM GLPI solution, associated with the inventory and other components for more than 10 years.

They rely on ITIL and ISO standards and on their personal experience of operating an information system associated with an in-depth knowledge of IT hygiene measures.

They operate in the following fields:

  • Management, coordination and definition of projects
  • Definition of IT master plans
  • Definition of the Information Systems strategy
  • Design and implementation of IS solutions
  • Security regulation and control functions (CI, RSSI, DPO)
  • Regulatory projects (RGPD, PCI-DSS, ISO22/27XXXX, …)
  • Design and implementation of organizational processes
  • Quality, compliance and security audit
  • Website:

We are excited that GLPI ITSM solution is becoming more and more represented all over the world and GLPI Network (our support offer for on-premises – get your IT Infrastructure secured) subscription service will be available for more customers through our new partners.

Our large partnership network is always open for new collaborations. If you are interested in representing one of our products in your country, get in touch with us:

Being a partner means:

  • Having an a direct access to the Teclib´s tech expertise;
  • Get special discounts;
  • Access official support,
  • Many other tools which will help you to gain more customers and increase reputation on the market by adding open source ITSM to your portfolio.

Discover all benefits of being a partner here: